New evidence against Roy Moore surfaces

New evidence that Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore had a relationship with a teenage girl when he was in his 30s surfaced on Monday. 

Debbie Wesson Gibson told The Washington Post that she and Moore were romantically involved back in the early 1980s, when the longtime Alabama politician was 34 and she was 17.

Evidence that the two were acquainted came in the form of a signed yearbook, with an inscription Gibson claims was written by Moore.  

Evidence that the two were acquainted came in the form of a signed yearbook, with an inscription Gibson claims was written by Moore

Debbie Wesson Gibson(present picture left) claims she and Moore were romantically involved back in the early 1980

Evidence that the two were acquainted came in the form of a signed yearbook she produced for The Washington Post (pictured Nov. 27, 2017)

Evidence that the two were acquainted came in the form of a signed yearbook she produced for The Washington Post (pictured Nov. 27, 2017)

‘Happy graduation Debbie,’ the inscription, written in slanted handwriting, reads. ‘I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you’ll be a success in anything you do. Roy.’

The Washington Post last month published a shocking report claiming that Moore had made inappropriate sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl while he was an assistant district attorney during the 1970s.  

The Post also interviewed four other women who claimed the Alabama Senate nominee pursued a sexual relationship with them while they were still teenagers. 

Soon after the allegations went public, four other women, including Gibson, stepped forward to accuse Moore of pursuing them when they were teenagers. 

Moore has vehemently denied the allegations, blaming an orchestrated media effort of trying to take down his campaign.

Gibson told the Post that she and Moore did not try to hide their courtship, started back in the early 1980s, and even considered it a ‘badge of honor.’ 

Roy Moore is accused of pursuing numerous sexual relationships with teenage girls back when he was in his 30s

Moore is also accused of inappropriate sexual contact with a then 14-year-old

Roy Moore is accused of pursuing numerous sexual relationships with teenage girls back when he was in his 30s

The 54-year-old said, however, that she began having second thoughts about their relationship in light of the recent allegations against the former Alabama Supreme Court Judge.

The Moore campaign did not respond to a request for comment. 

Gibson said that she has rejected dozens of media requests for an interview in the wake of the Roy Moore scandal, telling the Post that she has received numerous death threats after coming forward last month. 

Despite the accusations, President Donald Trump, who has denied a litany of sexual assault allegations himself, endorsed Moore's candidacy for The US Senate on Sunday

Despite the accusations, President Donald Trump, who has denied a litany of sexual assault allegations himself, endorsed Moore’s candidacy for The US Senate on Sunday

Gibson, a registered Republican who now lives in Dayton Beach, Florida, said that after another woman, Beverly Young Nelson, came forward with allegations during a televised press conference along with a yearbook signed by Moore, was she reminded of her own memento.

‘I just couldn’t imagine him doing something like that,’ Gibson said. ‘And then when I saw the interview from Beverly, and I saw his handwriting in her yearbook, my heart just sank. And when I saw what I knew to be Roy Moore’s handwriting, I just began to sob openly.’ 

Despite the accusations, President Donald Trump, who has denied a litany of sexual assault allegations himself, endorsed Moore’s candidacy for The US Senate on Sunday. 

In a statement, a White House spokesman said that the president ‘had a positive call with Judge Roy Moore… during which they discussed the state of the Alabama Senate race and the President endorsed Judge Moore’s campaign.’

Kayla Moore, the Republican candidate’s wife, wrote on Facebook that Trump had called her husband, forcing the White House to answer questions about it.

‘Judge Moore just got off the phone with President Trump – we have his full support! Thank you Mr. President! Let’s MAGA!’ Mrs. Moore wrote.

Her husband said in a tweet that Trump told him, ‘Go get ’em, Roy!’

‘I look forward to fighting alongside the President to #MAGA!’ he said.