New footage emerges of moment heavily-pregnant woman is brutally bashed at a Sydney cafe

Horrifying new footage has emerged showing a heavily pregnant woman being repeatedly punched and then stomped on at a Sydney cafe.

The 31-year-old woman, who is 38 weeks pregnant, was with friends at Bay Vista cafe on Church Street, Parramatta, at 10.30pm on Wednesday when she was set upon by a man. 

Police allege that man is Stipe Lozina, 43, who has been refused bail after being charged with affray and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. 

Shocking CCTV footage beamed around Australia on Thursday allegedly showed Lozina lean over the table of women before unleashing a flurry of punches. 

Daily Mail Australia can now reveal a different angle shows the alleged attack in even more frightening detail from the other side of the cafe. 

Horrifying new footage (pictured) has emerged of a heavily pregnant woman being repeatedly punched and then stomped on at a Sydney cafe

Vision from the other side of the cafe had earlier shown the same alleged attack - but the most recent footage shared on social media on Thursday showed the alleged stomp (pictured) in even more shocking detail

Vision from the other side of the cafe had earlier shown the same alleged attack – but the most recent footage shared on social media on Thursday showed the alleged stomp (pictured) in even more shocking detail

Lozina can allegedly be seen calmly walking up the steps to the cafe, before looking to the left and approaching the women. 

After a brief verbal exchange, he points a finger towards the pregnant woman before allegedly attacking.  

He allegedly punched the victim several times in the head and upper body, causing her to fall to the ground as her friends tried to hold him back. 

He then allegedly stomped on the head of the woman as she cowered next to the table.

Police allege CCTV footage shows one of the woman’s friends using a chair to hit the man, causing him to stumble, before other patrons restrained him and walked him out of the cafe.

The woman did not know her alleged attacker, but he was known to police. 

The woman spoke to The Daily Telegraph through a Muslim community leader, saying she was ‘very fragile’ and still in shock.  

‘He just screamed at me saying “Muslims raped my mum”,’ she said. 

The alleged victim’s husband told the paper his wife ‘hardly ever goes out’.

‘But when her friends invited her for a coffee, I told her to go and that I would look after the kids,’ he said. 

The woman claimed the man screamed at her before the alleged attack 'Muslims raped my mum'

The woman claimed the man screamed at her before the alleged attack ‘Muslims raped my mum’

Lozina appeared without legal representation at Parramatta Local Court on Thursday as he applied unsuccessfully for bail. He will remain behind bars until at least next month.

Magistrate Tim Keady told Lozina in court: ‘After making a comment about Muslims, you approached her and punched her to the head 14 times. For bail purposes I will treat that as a very strong case against you.’ 

The man was known to police and had an ‘extensive criminal record’, the magistrate said. 

The accused asked for the case to be adjourned to a date when he had another matter due to be heard in court.  

Lozina was refused bail to next appear on December 5. 

The alleged incident happened at the Bay Vista cafe in Parramatta, western Sydney, about 10.30pm on Wednesday night

The alleged incident happened at the Bay Vista cafe in Parramatta, western Sydney, about 10.30pm on Wednesday night

The woman was taken to Westmead Hospital for observation and for assessment of her unborn child, and released on Thursday morning.   

NSW Police Inspector Luke Sywenkyj on Thursday morning said the woman suffered a number of bruises and has some swelling. 

‘As a result of the assault, she does seem somewhat emotionally and physically traumatised,’ Insp Sywenkyj told reporters in Sydney.

Vision from the other side of the cafe had earlier shown the same alleged attack at Bay Vista (pictured)

Vision from the other side of the cafe had earlier shown the same alleged attack at Bay Vista (pictured) 

‘Our police investigation at this stage is still in its infancy but the assault would appear to be completely random and unprovoked.’

Insp Sywenkyj said he wanted to personally commend members of the community for coming to the woman’s defence.

‘If it was not for the brave actions of all these members of the community in stopping the assault the victim may very well have sustained much more serious injuries.’   

Lozina was known to police before the alleged incident at Bay Vista (pictured) and had an 'extensive criminal record'

Lozina was known to police before the alleged incident at Bay Vista (pictured) and had an ‘extensive criminal record’