New Idea magazine apologises to Grant Denyer for false ‘affair’ story

New Idea magazine apologises to Grant Denyer and his wife for a front-page story falsely suggesting he was having an affair with his Dancing with the Stars partner

A magazine has apologised to TV presenter Grant Denyer and his wife Chezzi after publishing a story falsely implying he was having an affair with a woman half his age.

New Idea reached a confidential settlement with the Denyers after they called in the lawyers over an October 18 front-page article that suggested Grant was romantically involved with his Dancing with the Stars partner Lily Cornish.

The tabloid published an apology in its Monday edition and online, acknowledging the story was false and that Grant and Lily never had an affair.

Response: The radio star, 50, rubbished New Idea’s report implying Grant was cheating on his wife Chezzi, saying it’s common practice for tabloid magazines to use photos ‘out of context’