New Orleans ‘cop killer’ who ate feces deemed incompetent

A man charged with killing a New Orleans police officer has been declared incompetent to stand trial a day after he smuggled feces into the courtroom and smeared them on his face during jury selection.

Prosecutors’ experts argued that 35-year-old Travis Boys’ action Wednesday was a stunt to delay prosecution in the 2015 shooting death of Officer Daryle Holloway.

But State District Judge Karen Herman said she was declaring him incompetent out of an abundance of caution and based on testimony of two other mental health experts who examined the defendant Thursday morning.

Travis Boys, 35, was declared incompetent to stand trial after he stopped his jury selection on Wednesday by eating feces and rubbing it on his face

Explaining that she did not wish to do the trial twice, the judge ordered that Boys be evaluated for three to five months and medicated if necessary to restore his competence so that he can stand trial.

Herman also noted that the jury pool that witnessed Boys’ antics Wednesday was tainted.   

District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro blasted the judge’s ruling on Boys’ competency as ‘disturbing’ and accused the court of allowing an accused cop-killer to ‘hijack’ the legal process.  

‘The city of New Orleans sunk to a new low when we turned control of our criminal justice system over to an accused murderer who killed a dedicated police officer on film,’ he stated.  

Boys has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity to murdering Holloway while escaping from custody in June 2015.

Jury selection was occurring at around 4pm Wednesday when Boys removed a napkin from his suit pocket and opened it to reveal feces that he began to rub on his face, head and mouth, reported.

Boys is accused of fatally shooting New Orleans cop Daryle Holloway (pictured) in June 2015. He has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity

Boys is accused of fatally shooting New Orleans cop Daryle Holloway (pictured) in June 2015. He has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity

Boys said nothing while covering himself in the excrement; it’s unclear exactly where the feces came from, but it was likely saved by Boys during a bathroom break.

When she saw what was happening, Judge Herman stopped proceedings, dismissed the jury and ordered another competency evaluation for Boys.

In court Thursday, defense attorney Billy Sothern described the incident in detail as part of his argument that his client was not fit to stand trial. 

‘I began to smell something, turned to my right to see Mr. Boys smearing feces on his face and hair, and eating feces from his fingers,’ Sothern said, according to a report.

According to the lawyer, Boys later had no recollection of eating human excrement, or rubbing it on his face. 

During Thursday’s competency hearing, Boys’ right eye was swollen shut due to an infection, and he appeared to be sleeping during a portion of the proceedings.  

The suspect’s capacity to stand trial has previously been questioned by his defense team.   

At an earlier competency hearing on September 21, Boys’ defense team introduced Dr James Brad McConville, a psychiatrist and professor at Tulane University.

‘He doesn’t understand his legal rights,’ McConville testified. ‘He would have significant difficulty testifying without incriminating himself. 

‘My recommendation is that he be found incompetent to stand trial and undergo further testing and legal rights education.’

But court-appointed experts Dr Rafael Salcedo, a forensic psychologist, and Dr Richard Richoux, forensic psychiatrist, said Boys was capable of standing trial. 

Boys was arrested on June 20, 2015, for allegedly firing a gun near his wife.

He was placed in the back of a police cruiser driven by Officer Holloway, but had somehow smuggled a gun in with him, prosecutors allege.

They say that Holloway’s bodycam footage shows ‘beyond any doubt’ that Boys shot the cop in the chest before attempting to exit the car by crawling through the access window between the front and rear of the vehicle.

At that point, Holloway, wounded but still alive, attempted to wrestle the gun out of Boys’ hands, police said at the time. 

Boys' lawyers say that he isn't competent to stand trial, but court-appointed psychiatrists disagreed in an earlier competency hearing

Boys’ lawyers say that he isn’t competent to stand trial, but court-appointed psychiatrists disagreed in an earlier competency hearing

‘While Officer Holloway struggled with Boys over control of the weapon, Boys yelled three times, “Let me go before you kill yourself!”‘ detective Sgt. Kevin Burns Jr said in the warrant application, according to a 2015 report.

But Holloway, weakened by his wound, was unable to keep up the fight and Boys slipped out of his grasp, exited through the passenger door and closed it behind him, cops said.

At that point, Burns wrote, ‘Officer Holloway accelerated, likely after losing control of motor skills, and violently crashed into a utility pole near the intersection of Claiborne and Elysian Field Avenue.’

It remains unclear how Boys might have smuggled a gun into the car or got his hands from behind his back to his front.

Boys was arrested the following day when he was spotted getting onto a bus. 

Holloway was at the wheel of his cruiser when Boys apparently shot him with a smuggled gun and crawled out of the rear. Holloway lost control of the car (pictured), crashing it

Holloway was at the wheel of his cruiser when Boys apparently shot him with a smuggled gun and crawled out of the rear. Holloway lost control of the car (pictured), crashing it