New Orleans teacher rearrested for sexting two boys

On January 8, Viridiana Ramos (pictured) was once again arrested after a second student came forward alleging he received inappropriate pictures from the teacher   

A teacher in New Orleans who had been previously arrested for sending lewd photographs to a middle school student was once again placed into custody on Tuesday after a second student came forward with similar allegations. 

Viridiana Ramos, 30, of Marrero, was arrested in November for allegedly sending nude pictures of herself to a 13-year-old boy, according to

Ramos was a teacher at L.W. Ruppel Academy for Advanced Studies in Gretna, where the teenager studied at the time of the arrest.

On January 8, Ramos was arrested once again when another pupil at a different school came forward with similar accusations. 

The second known victim, who reportedly attended Fisher Middle-High School in Lafitte, contacted the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office in December to report that Ramos had sent nude pictures of herself using the social media app Snapchat in 2016.  

Ramos was a teacher at L.W. Ruppel Academy for Advanced Studies (puictured) in Gretna, where the teenager studied at the time of her first arrest in November

Ramos was a teacher at L.W. Ruppel Academy for Advanced Studies (puictured) in Gretna, where the teenager studied at the time of her first arrest in November

Spokesman for the department, Lt. Jason Rivarde, said the boy was 14 at the time of the incident. It remains unclear if Ramos directly taught the students making the accusations. 

She is currently being held without bond at the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center in Gretna, reported. 

Lt. Jason Rivarde (pictured) said the boys were 13 and 14, respectively, at the time of each incident

Lt. Jason Rivarde (pictured) said the boys were 13 and 14, respectively, at the time of each incident

According to Jefferson Parish Public Schools officials, Ramos worked as an itinerant band teacher for talented arts students at five schools before her first arrest late last year.  

Ramos was suspended without pay on November 17 after the Ruppel student alerted the principal of the school about the inappropriate pictures along with lewd text  messages. 

Investigators say that Ramos and the young teenager started exchanging messages in October, holding at first regular conversations. 

But authorities say that Ramos soon turned more flirtatious, eventually ‘sending him photographs of her breasts, buttocks and vagina,’ Rivarde said.

The boy asked Ramos to stop sending the photographs and messages shortly thereafter, saying he was afraid that they would get caught. 

‘Wouldn’t I be the one that gets in trouble?,’ Ramos responded, according to Jefferson Perish Police. 

Anyone with additional information about the case is asked to call Det. Scott Bradley with the Sheriff’s Office investigations bureau at (504) 364 – 5300.

The second known victim, who reportedly attended Fisher Middle-High School in Lafitte (pictured), contacted the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office in December

The second known victim, who reportedly attended Fisher Middle-High School in Lafitte (pictured), contacted the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office in December