New Year’s resolution to save money? Here’s how to do it

Saving money always features in the golden trio of top new year’s resolutions, alongside eating more healthily and doing more exercise.

So how to do it? Well I don’t think the best answer is necessarily giving up shop-bought coffees and making packed lunches, as the endless press releases we’re sent at this time of year often seem to suggest.

Making small lifestyle changes is brilliant, but often requires a lot of willpower. If you’re having to decide to forgo something on a regular basis, you’re leaving a lot of opportunities for slipping up.

What have you promised to so? If ‘save money’ is on the list, here are some tips

So what about saving a few hundred – or even thousand – pounds right at the beginning of the year? You’ll improve your bank balance and turbo-boost your resolution.

You’ll be able to do most of it in an afternoon, it should be reasonably painless – and then you can get on with more interesting things.

1. Check your direct debits

Ideally you’d sit down with your bank statements and have a good look through all your outgoings looking out for anything unnecessary to give you ideas about where you could cut back.

However, if this isn’t realistic at least have a look through your direct debits. If you’ve got online banking, you should be able to pull them up in a couple of clicks.

What are you paying for that you no longer need to?

You could be surprised what old subscriptions and regular payments might turn up – unused gym memberships, TV subscriptions for channels you never use, etc.

Cancel them! If you’ve got a contract you will need to cancel that before the direct debit or it could count as a default on your credit score, but this can usually be done with a phone call.

2. Get a better mortgage

This is the real winner, if you own your own home. In most cases you’d have to give up a lot of shop-bought coffees to save as much as you could by remortgaging.

Online mortgage broker Trussle reckons the two million people currently on expensive standard variable rates could save around £4,000 over the year by switching. Even if it were half that, it would be nothing to sniff at. 

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3. Stop paying more for energy

It’s bonkers that most of us shop around so diligently for everyday items, saving a few pence here and there at the supermarket, and yet on one of our biggest outgoings we’re happy to pay a few hundred extra pounds for nothing.

If you have not switched energy provider for a while you could probably cut your annual bills by around £300.

Spending more on energy will not get you better energy – what comes in through your pipes is all the same. (The only difference is if you get a renewable energy contract, but even that doesn’t amount to any difference to your home and often doesn’t cost any more).

A price comparison site will tell you the best deals around in a few clicks. Millions of households switch with no drama at all every year. And if something goes wrong there is never any danger that you will be cut off – and there is plenty of consumer protection to get you back on track.

4. Shop around on all your big bills

It is unfortunate but true that if you haven’t shopped around for a while on many of your big outgoings you’re probably paying much more than you need to and quite possibly being outrageously ripped off.

So stop it. If you haven’t for a little while, shop around to get a better deal on your phone, insurance – home, car, pet – the lot, TV, broadband.

It won’t take long and the chances are that’s another few hundred quid right there.

And if you really can’t be bothered, at the very least phone up your existing providers and ask for a better deal.  


5. Consider cashback (I think it’s great)

If you’re going to be switching all these bills, you may as well sign up for cashback. 

Cashback is free money – and its sole inconvenience is another two or three clicks on your computer before you buy something. 

Topcashback and Quidco are two of the biggest providers. Lots of people think it too much of a faff, but I made a couple hundred pounds in cashback last year for doing nothing so I’m not complaining.

Some of the biggest sums to be made are when signing up to a new broadband, energy or insurance deal.  

6. Move your debts

This can be a big win. Have a good old new year audit of your debts – how much you owe and what you’re paying for it. Then work out if you could cut the cost. 

Make sure you’re paying down the most expensive debts first – and then move debts if you could get a better deal elsewhere. 

Zero interest balance transfer credit cards, for example, are one option that at least will give you a break from paying interest for a while giving you a better chance of eating away at the principal.

7. Make sure your money is working as hard as you

Saving can be a real trial at times, so you want to be rewarded as handsomely as possible for doing so.

Putting your money in an old savings account is not going to do that – the chances are you’re earning interest of a few pennies and the value of your money is being eroded by inflation.

So make sure you put your savings to work.

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Shop around for a better savings rate, Isa, or open a current account that offers a good interest rate. And if you have enough savings to tide you over for a few months if you needed to, and can afford not to spend it for five years or more, consider investing some of your savings as well.

This has never been easier – some people like to, but you do not necessarily have to pay for a financial adviser. There are several easy-to-use DIY investing platforms that take just a few minutes to get started. 

8. Make small changes

Perhaps I’ve been too harsh on the small changes. After all they do all add up. New research this week from Scottish Widows suggested that if we stopped spending on everyday luxuries we could have an extra £10,000 a year at retirement.

To increase your chances of success, though, I would suggest finding ways of working with rather than against your own foibles – otherwise it could be a constant uphill struggle.

Behavioural economist Sarah Newcomb suggests finding out what needs our spending is trying to fill and then working out a cheaper alternative.

So take, for example, that under-siege cup of shop-bought coffee. Are you buying it because you need a caffeine hit to get you going in the morning? If so, could you make one at home before you leave? Are you buying one midmorning just to get away from your desk for a bit? If so, could you go for a ten minute walk around the block?

Walk and talk: Going for a walk with a friend can often be as nice as going out for a meal

Walk and talk: Going for a walk with a friend can often be as nice as going out for a meal

Is eating out regularly really just about finding the opportunity to meet up with friends in a nice environment? If so, could you take it in turns to cook? Could you go for a walk instead? (This mind sound annoying and preachy but I do it sometimes – it works. The only thing is you have to be careful of building up a massive appetite and then going for a costly pub lunch. Maybe best to bring a sandwich).

I think this attitude of finding replacements can often be more successful than just cutting things out.

But I think we all have our own strengths and weaknesses to consider rather than relying on superhuman self control.   

I find that cutting things out altogether is easier than trying to cut back, for example. I didn’t buy clothes for 12 months last year. This was so much easier than just trying to buy less, because I didn’t have to make that decision every time I saw something I liked the look of whether to buy or refrain.

Let us know in the comments below if you have any other tips – what has worked for you in the past and what you have managed to save.