New Zealand tattoo studio offers tattoos of dead pets

For some the death of a beloved furry friend can be devastating.

Although there will always be plenty of photos, it’s as likely dedicated pet owners may consider a tattoo – especially one mixed with their pets ashes – for the most permanent reminder.

A tattoo studio in New Zealand offers this unconventional way of remembering pets, and while the method comes with a health warning, people are seeking it out.

Tattooist Tamara James Cook who tattoos at Dark Cloud Studios told Daily Mail Australia she’s had requests from people wanting the specialised pet portraits.

Tattooist Tamara James Cook (pictured) has had requests from people wanting the specialised pet portraits

While the self-professed ‘animal lover’ is more than happy to help, she’s quick to stress she’ll only do the tattoo if a waiver is signed from the outset.

‘There can be extra risk doing these sorts of tattoos because a foreign body is being introduced into the skin,’ Ms James Cook said.

While tattoo expert said she only mixes the ‘tiniest bit of ash’ with black ink, the tattoo doesn’t heal the same way, resulting in a slightly faded colour.

 The tattoo artist only mixes the 'tiniest amount of ash' with black ink because the tattoo doesn't heal the same way, resulting in a slightly faded colour

 The tattoo artist only mixes the ‘tiniest amount of ash’ with black ink because the tattoo doesn’t heal the same way, resulting in a slightly faded colour

Some of the pet portraits Ms James Cook has created for clients using pet ash mixed with ink

Because of this she’ll only ever cover a small area this way, and will get people to help choose a special part of the tattoo that’s meaningful to them.

The tattoo artist said the experience of tattooing a person who has lost a pet can be a heart-wrenching one.

‘It can be really sad when I mix the ashes in to the ink,’ she said.

‘People often get really emotional remembering their pets.

‘But when they stand up and look it [the finished tattoo] they’re so thankful.’

 The number of people wanting mini pet portraits (without ash) is on the increase, according to the Christchurch-based tattoo artist

 The number of people wanting mini pet portraits (without ash) is on the increase, according to the Christchurch-based tattoo artist

Prices for a ‘mini portrait’ – irrespective of whether ash is mixed into the ink start at around $300

Although Ms James Cook  said she’s had around five requests for these particular types of pet portraits, she’s seen an increase in demand for pet portraits in general.

Prices for a ‘mini portrait’ – irrespective of whether ash is mixed into the ink start at around $300. Prices for tattooing vary according to size.

‘I’ve always welcomed anyone who wants to remember their animals this way,’ said Ms James Cook.

‘I love that people trust me enough to create this personal memory for them,’ she concluded.