New Zealanders explain why they think their country SUCKS

New Zealanders have long been jumping the ditch to enjoy a new life ‘Down Under’ – and it turns out there’s no shortage of reasons behind so many locals take the leap. 

Residents in their hundreds have slammed their island home online, responding to a Reddit thread asking for advice on whether the country is idyllic as it seems.  

‘What’s wrong with your country?’, Reddit user Taroin wrote, following with an explanation of how ‘disgusted’ he and his wife were at New Zealand’s beauty during a recent holiday. 

New Zealanders have long been jumping the ditch to enjoy a new life ‘Down Under’, and there are plenty of reasons why, according to hundreds of Reddit users

Residents in their hundreds slammed their island home in response to a Reddit thread (pictured) asking for advice on whether the country is idyllic as it seems

Residents in their hundreds slammed their island home in response to a Reddit thread (pictured) asking for advice on whether the country is idyllic as it seems

Reddit user Taroin wrote said he was 'disgusted' at New Zealand's beauty during a recent holiday

Reddit user Taroin wrote said he was ‘disgusted’ at New Zealand’s beauty during a recent holiday

‘Long story short we want to move there, so please, convince me not to! Tell me the worst things about the place, things that might convince me that maybe it isn’t as wonderful as i we think,’ the post read. 

Taroin certainly got what he asked for, as countless Kiwis wasted no time in dishing out why they thought New Zealand wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. 

While several offered thoughtful advice, plenty of others seemed to have ulterior motives and appeared to purposely try and deter the couple from moving.

‘Consumer goods are expensive because we’re tiny and isolated. Every year one child from each electorate has to travel to Ranui and fight in the Hunger Games,’ was the top point receiver out of 332 responses. 

Taroin got exactly what he asked for after requesting that locals convince him not to move there

Taroin got exactly what he asked for after requesting that locals convince him not to move there

Countless Kiwis wasted no time in dishing out why they thought New Zealand wasn't all it was cracked up to be

Countless Kiwis wasted no time in dishing out why they thought New Zealand wasn’t all it was cracked up to be

Another struck a sensitive cord with the Canadians, revealing how pricey a home-grown delicacy would be if they moved. 

‘Insufficient ice hockey and maple syrup,’ they wrote. 

Someone else made sure not to mince their words, writing: ‘Don’t move here you’ve just got tourist visiting for a short period and loves the landscape syndrome. I recently visited Vancouver and thought it was a much nicer (than) Auckland.’ 

Another had an admirable jaunt at dissuading the eager Canadians, listing their opinion on the country’s many shortfalls. 

While several offered thoughtful advice, plenty of others seemed to have ulterior motives and appeared to purposely try and deter the couple from moving

While several offered thoughtful advice, plenty of others seemed to have ulterior motives and appeared to purposely try and deter the couple from moving

'Consumer goods are expensive because we're tiny and isolated. Every year one child from each electorate has to travel to Ranui and fight in the Hunger Games,' one jokester wrote

‘Consumer goods are expensive because we’re tiny and isolated. Every year one child from each electorate has to travel to Ranui and fight in the Hunger Games,’ one jokester wrote

‘Poor housing – expensive, poorly built and poorly insulated in a lot of cases. Food is insanely expensive – if you like to eat fresh fruit and vege you need to allocate a lot of your income towards groceries.’

They went on to say how average wages left a lot to be desired, as did the country’s art scene, not to mention ‘anti-intellectualism and tall poppy syndrome’ which apparently runs rampant.

Work ethic was listed as ‘non-existent’ with the majority of the population, and there were far too many ‘cliques’ for this impassioned commenters liking. 

‘Apart from those things it’s pretty bloody great to be fair,’ they concluded.   

A particularly impassioned commenter had an admirable jaunt at dissuading the eager Canadians, listing their opinion on the country's many shortfalls

A particularly impassioned commenter had an admirable jaunt at dissuading the eager Canadians, listing their opinion on the country’s many shortfalls