Newcastle: Eddie Howe wants to prevent a future ‘tragedy’ after a pitch invader confronted him

Eddie Howe says he wants to prevent a future ‘tragedy’ after a pitch invader confronted him in Newcastle’s draw against Leeds and hopes it can become a ‘worthwhile episode’ if security is increased for managers

  • Newcastle boss Eddie Howe was confronted by a Leeds fan on Saturday 
  • Howe is eager to prevent a ‘tragedy’ by improving security for managers  
  • He said he was grateful to have been backed by the LMA after the episode 

Eddie Howe is keen to join forces with the League Managers’ Association to help prevent a potential tragedy after his shocking confrontation with a supporter.

The Newcastle boss revealed he has received messages of support from LMA chief Richard Bevan after the sickening incident where he was shoved and verbally abused by a Leeds fan in the technical area during stoppage-time of Saturday’s 2-2 draw at Elland Road.

A man has been charged with assault and banned for life by the Yorkshire club after leaving Howe visibly shaken. 

The 45-year-old thanked Bevan for his backing, and is eager to work with the authorities to beef-up security measures to prevent any kind of repeat with potentially more serious consequences.

‘I’ve had a couple of nice messages from Richard Bevan at the LMA,’ Howe said. ‘They’re very good in all situations and in lots of different moments so I’m very thankful for that support.

Howe had said his safety was 'violated'

Eddie Howe (left) is eager to prevent a future tragedy after being confronted by a spectator during Newcastle’s draw against Leeds

‘I’m absolutely fine and more thinking really of future episodes like that and trying to prevent them. 

‘That incident’s done as far as I’m concerned but the only part of it that’s left for me are the “what ifs” for the future, that’s my concern. I’d hate to see a tragedy on a football pitch that could have been avoided.

‘I hope this incident itself can help the authorities and whoever is concerned with the security and the safety of the players and staff. If it does make a little change or leads someone to think how we can improve things then it will have been a really worthwhile episode.’

Third placed Newcastle can clinch a Champions League place if they beat Brighton and Leicester at St James’s over the space of the next five days.

Howe’s side have experienced a wobble after taking a point from their last two games to give sixth-placed Liverpool hope of catching them or Manchester United in the race for a top four finish.

Howe hopes something good can come of the episode if it means greater security for coaches

Howe hopes something good can come of the episode if it means greater security for coaches

The Reds trail the Magpies by a point having played a game more, with boss Jurgen Klopp insisting his side will aim to keep up the pressure after winning seven in a row.

‘I don’t feel we’re being hunted,’ Howe insisted. ‘I don’t feel that emotion, it’s us against ourselves really, that’s how I see it. It’s us trying to be the best we can be.

‘I’ve not focused on any other team all season. I knew Liverpool were never far away because they’re a top team and they’re capable of going on runs of wins very similar to Manchester City, where they can win a group of games without blinking.

‘They’ve got that experience and I think for us we can’t look at Liverpool and compare ourselves to them, we have to concentrate on ourselves. 

‘When it’s such a big achievement and you want something really badly, which I’m sure everyone connected with the club does, the hardest bit is to finally get there.’
