Newcastle father sees ‘students’ practising parkour on car

A disgruntled dad has slammed ‘students’ who he caught on camera causing £400 worth of damage to his £50,000 Jaguar – by practising parkour on his beloved motor’s roof.

Les Watson was staying in Newcastle for an IT conference earlier this month, when he parked his Jaguar XFS near his hotel for an overnight stay.

The morning after, the 52-year-old claims he spotted ‘footprints’ on the roof of his car and was livid to discover his car’s roof was scratched and scuffed.

 Dashcam footage shows youths practising parkour on a Jaguar in a parking lot

Watching back his dashcam footage, Les watched in horror as one youth shouted ‘Parkour the Jag’ and after a countdown a youth ran up the bonnet to perform a ‘stunt’ on the roof, while another ran up the boot.

Les believes the youths were students from Newcastle University because he claimed they did not have a local accent, were out drunk on a week night and the car was parked 100 yards from the campus.

The IT consultant reported the matter to the police, Newcastle University and shared the video on social media in an attempt to ‘name and shame’ – and wants the yobs prosecuted.

Les said: ‘One of them just said we’re going to ‘Parkour the Jag. You do it from the front and I’ll do it from the back’.

In the footage one youth shouts 'Parkour the Jag' and after a countdown a youth runs up the bonnet to perform a 'stunt' on the roof, while another runs up the boot

In the footage one youth shouts ‘Parkour the Jag’ and after a countdown a youth runs up the bonnet to perform a ‘stunt’ on the roof, while another runs up the boot

Les Watson was staying in Newcastle for an IT conference earlier this month, when he parked his Jaguar XFS near his hotel for an overnight stay

Les Watson was staying in Newcastle for an IT conference earlier this month, when he parked his Jaguar XFS near his hotel for an overnight stay

Les Watson was staying in Newcastle for an IT conference earlier this month, when he parked his Jaguar XFS near his hotel for an overnight stay

‘I just felt so let down and disappointed that someone could do this to another person.

‘The noises of them running over the roof made me cringe. I just didn’t know what to do – that’s why I contacted the police.

‘I just want to have the opportunity to sit in front of these guys and say ‘you’re going to be charged with criminal damage.’

‘I have two daughters and they’ve gone through student life so I understand the thrill of getting rat a**ed. But I just don’t understand why you’d want to damage somebody’s property.’

Les shared the video online in an attempt to find the alleged culprits and contacted police the following day.

Les said: ‘I’m not bothered about the cash. I’m not going to claim on the insurance or anything because it would push my no claims up. It’s just the fact that they did it to someone.

‘If I did get the £400 back I’d just give the money to charity. The whole thing is unfair really.

‘I’ve worked for everything I have in life. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth so it bothers me that students would do something like this.

‘One of the guys who’s not in the video was the instigator. The dash cam started recording because it works on movement. It must have picked up the movement of the students.’

However Newcastle university suggested there was no evidence that the youths were students at their university, but Les remains convinced.

Les said: ‘The people who are talking in the video don’t have Newcastle accents.

Les believes the youths were students from Newcastle University because he claimed they did not have a local accent, were out drunk on a week night and the car was parked 100 yards from the campus

Les believes the youths were students from Newcastle University because he claimed they did not have a local accent, were out drunk on a week night and the car was parked 100 yards from the campus

‘It was a fresher’s night and I was parked 100 yards from the campus area. You add the numbers up.

‘When I got in contact with the University they said ‘if they are students, they will face disciplinary proceedings.’ I said ‘they’re going to be prosecuted first.’

‘It’s just ridiculous. Those two students just run across the car leaving footprints everywhere. They crossed over on top of the car and you can see the guy slide down the bonnet.

‘I just want to sit them down and tell them they’re going to be prosecuted.’

The post was shared on social media where it received comments and shares.

Nikki Forsythe said: ‘ I had my car damaged by students a few years ago. I bet their parents wouldn’t be chuffed if it was their car.’

Debbie Stanley said: ‘Doesn’t sound like they are from Newcastle, hope you find the idiots.’

Mark Rooney said: ‘Scumbags should be shot with balls of their own s**te.

‘When you find them I’d happily dig up the remains of their childhood pets and beat them to death with the rotting corpse.’

A Northumbria Police Spokesperson said: ‘We can confirm that police received a report that a vehicle had been damaged outside of St James’ Park stadium in Newcastle at around half past midnight on Wednesday, November 8.’

A spokesperson from Newcastle University said: ‘There is no evidence these are our students.’ 

The morning after, the 52-year-old claims he spotted 'footprints' on the roof of his car and was livid to discover his car's roof was scratched and scuffed

The morning after, the 52-year-old claims he spotted ‘footprints’ on the roof of his car and was livid to discover his car’s roof was scratched and scuffed

Les said: 'I'm not bothered about the cash. I'm not going to claim on the insurance or anything because it would push my no claims up. It's just the fact that they did it to someone'

Les said: ‘I’m not bothered about the cash. I’m not going to claim on the insurance or anything because it would push my no claims up. It’s just the fact that they did it to someone’