Newly-opened New York City Palestinian restaurant sparks fury with ‘anti-Semitic’ seafood menu titled ‘from the river to the sea’

A new Palestinian restaurant in New York City has sparked backlash after opening its doors to customers with menus including the anti-Semitic phrase ‘from the river, to the sea.’

Ayat, a Brooklyn eatery with two other locations in the city, also opted to emblazon the front of its menus with the phrase ‘down with the occupation’, angering some patrons in the heavily-Jewish area. 

When the restaurant opened a third location in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn, last week, a Facebook group for residents in the area grew hostile as customers slammed the menus as ‘openly genocidal’, reports the Daily Beast. 

The chant ‘from the river to the sea’ has been deemed by the Anti-Defamation League to be an anti-Semitic call for ‘Israel’s destruction through violent means.’ 

In response to the Facebook group’s disapproval, the restaurant’s owners Ayat Masoud and her husband Abdul Elenani insisted the inclusion of the phrase in their menu’s was misunderstood. 

Palestinian restaurant Ayat angered some in Brooklyn, New York after locals hit out at its anti-Israel menus, which feature a front cover declaring: ‘Down with the occupation’ 

A seafood section of the menu was labelled 'From the river, to the sea' - a phrase that the ADL has determined to be an antisemitic call for 'Israel 's destruction through violent means'

A seafood section of the menu was labelled ‘From the river, to the sea’ – a phrase that the ADL has determined to be an antisemitic call for ‘Israel ‘s destruction through violent means’

Ayat is a proudly Palestinian restaurant and operates two other locations in New York City, with the owner saying there are two key elements to his 'brand': 'Number one is that I will always mention the occupation of the Palestinian people. And number two is that we will always advocate for peace'

Ayat is a proudly Palestinian restaurant and operates two other locations in New York City, with the owner saying there are two key elements to his ‘brand’: ‘Number one is that I will always mention the occupation of the Palestinian people. And number two is that we will always advocate for peace’ 

Elenani said in his response on Facebook that they chose to include ‘from the river, to the sea’ in the menus because ‘our interpretation on it is just simply freedom and rights to the Palestinian people between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea.’ 

‘We’re just against the Zionist mentality of, like, eliminate or flatten now,’ he said, adding he meant no ill-will toward Jewish people. 

‘Our neighbors are Jews, our friends are Jews, we work with Jewish people all day every day. We do not hate Jewish people. It’s the opposite,’ he continued. ‘Judaism and Islam, they are the two most similar religions.’ 

The layout of the restaurant makes no secret of its affiliation with Palestine, featuring a number of Palestinian flags and depictions of people wearing traditional Palestinian clothing.  

Images from the inside of the one of the restaurants also show what appears to be Palestinian children imprisoned behind bars underneath the golden dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem, guarded by Israeli soldiers. 

The owner added that he had two key elements to his ‘brand’: ‘Number one is that I will always mention the occupation of the Palestinian people. And number two is that we will always advocate for peace.’ 

However, many have condemned the restaurant’s decision to take such a public stance, feeling they were intentionally trying to get a rise out of customers. 

Ditmas Park resident Dahlia Scheitzer said while the business may claim ‘they’re just advocating for freedom’, she felt ‘they’re poking the hornet’s nest, and they know what they are doing.’ 

Owners Ayat Masoud and her husband Abdul Elenani defended their stance, claiming they included 'from the river, to the sea' in the menus because 'our interpretation on it is just simply freedom and rights to the Palestinian people between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea'

Owners Ayat Masoud and her husband Abdul Elenani defended their stance, claiming they included ‘from the river, to the sea’ in the menus because ‘our interpretation on it is just simply freedom and rights to the Palestinian people between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea’

The restaurant makes no secret of its affiliation with Palestine, featuring a number of Palestinian flags and depictions of people in traditional Palestinian clothing

The restaurant makes no secret of its affiliation with Palestine, featuring a number of Palestinian flags and depictions of people in traditional Palestinian clothing 

‘The best analogy that I could think [of] is if a restaurant that had southern food had the Confederate flag on their menu, and tried to spin it as ‘Oh, this is just southern pride.’ And it’s like, you know, Don’t be coy,’ she told the Daily Beast. 

Others reportedly felt they were ‘obviously trying to instigate’, while some jumped to their defense and argued the owners had a right to take their stance. 

Ayat did not immediately respond when contacted by  

Ditmas Park is among the most affluent areas of Brooklyn, with the borough-at-large one of the most heavily Jewish populated regions on earth. 

And the hostile reaction in the area mirrors much of the turmoil in the US since the crisis in the Middle East erupted on October 7, where businesses have been targeted and ‘review bombed’ for making a comment – or avoiding making one – on the conflict. 

Ayat was one of those businesses to be targeted by infuriated customers, as it was flooded with one-star reviews online in the days after Hamas’ attack that killed over 1,200, the owners told the New York Times at the time. 

Tensions over the ongoing conflict in Gaza have led activist groups in America to repeatedly disrupt public events to protest Israel’s retaliatory sieges on Palestine, including at the Thanksgiving Parade in New York City. 

As thousands descended on the Big Apple to ring in the parade in November, a group of protestors leapt over the barricades and blocked the route by glueing their hands to the road. 

Loud boos rang out from the crowd as the white jumpsuit-clad protestors poured fake blood over themselves, while they appeared to try and link the crisis in the Middle East to climate change, shouting: ‘Liberation for Palestine and climate.’ 

Pro-Palestine protestors leapt over the barricade and brought the 2023 Macy's Thanksgiving Parade to a halt, roughly two hours after the procession got underway on Thursday morning

Pro-Palestine protestors leapt over the barricade and brought the 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade to a halt, roughly two hours after the procession got underway on Thursday morning 

Several demonstrators were taken into custody after marring the family event with political outbursts - one of the latest iterations of the crisis in the Middle East

Several demonstrators were taken into custody after marring the family event with political outbursts – one of the latest iterations of the crisis in the Middle East 

On Christmas Day, New Yorkers again saw their holidays marred by demonstrations, which included chants of 'one wish for Christmas, long live resistance'

On Christmas Day, New Yorkers again saw their holidays marred by demonstrations, which included chants of ‘one wish for Christmas, long live resistance’

At one point, the crowd directly targeted the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, at the same time tourists walked along Fifth Avenue.

The same spot had previously been targeted by pro-Palestine protestors a month ago, where hostile scenes erupted as New Yorkers marked the annual tree lighting.

The demonstration appeared to turn hostile as the group moved to Grand Central, which previously had to be closed down in November after pro-Palestine protestors stormed the building.

With numerous further protests erupting across America in the weeks after the Thanksgiving Parade antics, pro-Palestine protestors again struck on Christmas Day. 

The NYPD was forced to move to ‘Level Three’ mobilization as demonstrators clashed on the streets of Manhattan in ugly scenes. 

At the same time protests were ongoing in New York, demonstrators descended on the homes of Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and NSA head Jake Sullivan

At the same time protests were ongoing in New York, demonstrators descended on the homes of Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and NSA head Jake Sullivan 

The protests targeted National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan because he is a 'war criminal', organizers claimed at the time

The protests targeted National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan because he is a ‘war criminal’, organizers claimed at the time 

Level three mobilization is the second highest alert level in the NYPD, meaning all special units are called into action and squad cars are sent out from every command center in the city. 

Several officers were attacked on camera in vicious assaults, where crowds were heard shouting through the day, ‘Long live the intifada.’ 

At the same time, demonstrators also descended on the homes of Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan as they marked the holiday season with their families inside.

In one clip shared to social media, protestors filled the opulent Washington neighborhood of the Defense Secretary as they sang: ‘Austin, Austin, rise and shine, no sleep during genocide.’
