Newlywed discovers her ‘heavy period’ was terminal cancer

A newlywed whose honeymoon passion was blighted by heavy ‘menstrual’ bleeding, discovered it was a sign of cancer – which is now terminal.

Former occupational therapist Talitha Sargeant, 29, of Midhurst, West Sussex, was disappointed when what she assumed was her period started just days after her church wedding to mental health nurse Mathew, 30, in October 2016.

Hoping to enjoy consummating their marriage, during a four-week tour of the USA, visiting San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hawaii and Las Vegas, instead, she said: ‘As soon as we landed in San Francisco, I thought, “Oh, here we go, I’m on my period.”

‘I was cursing it starting on the first day of our four weeks away. We wanted to do what newlyweds do on their honeymoon.

‘My periods had been so up and down in the run up to the wedding, which I’d put down to pre-wedding stress, that I thought it was me finally relaxing and my period was starting.

‘We still managed to make love, but there was blood everywhere.’ 

Talitha and Matthew Sargeant, of West Sussex, enjoyed a fairy-tale wedding 

The 29-year-old assumed her regular period had started on her honeymoon

The 29-year-old assumed her regular period had started on her honeymoon

The bleeding was so heavy it ‘looked like someone had been murdered’

Then, two days into their holiday, in a swanky bar in LA, she suddenly needed the toilet.

‘I felt that something wasn’t right and rushed to the loo,’ she said. ‘But I pulled my dress up and saw there was blood everywhere.

‘It might sound a bit graphic, but it looked like someone had been murdered. The blood was dripping down my legs, onto the floor and had soaked through my dress and knickers.’

Concerned, Mrs Sargeant rushed back to her husband and they returned to their hotel.

‘I bought loads of sanitary products and put it down to a really heavy period,’ she explained.

But just 2 months after marrying soulmate she was told devastating news

But just 2 months after marrying soulmate she was told devastating news

Mrs Sargeant was crushed to be told she needed ovaries removing and she'd never be able to have children

Mrs Sargeant was crushed to be told she needed ovaries removing and she’d never be able to have children

‘The bleeding became lighter for a while, so I put the worries out of my mind. Then, when we arrived in Hawaii the rushing heavy flow started again.

‘I had to rush back to the apartment and this time rang my mum, Rose, 58.’

She booked an appointment for Mrs Sargeant  back in the UK, for the day when the pair returned from honeymoon, on November 11, 2016.

Mrs Sargeant recalled: ‘It didn’t actually put a downer on the holiday. We still had an amazing time and I didn’t feel that worried about the bleeding.’

Back home, her GP prescribed hormone tablets, telling her to return in a week if things didn’t improve.

When her problems persisted, Talitha was sent for an ultrasound at Horsham Hospital, in West Sussex, where the sonographer saw shading on her cervix, sending her for a colposcopy, to examine it, together with the lower part of the womb and top of the vagina.

‘I had the colposcopy on December 21. We were just getting ready for Christmas and I felt really scared,’ she said.

‘I knew something wasn’t right and with it being the festive season, everything felt a lot darker.’

Letter revealing cancer is terminal arrived Christmas Eve last year  

Then on Christmas Eve, Mrs Sargeant was dealt a devastating blow.

She recalled: ‘On December 24 I received a copy of a letter that was sent to my GP from the colposcopy office.

‘As a health care professional, who works with patients with cancer, I was able to read between the lines of the letter and I was devastated.

‘It detailed things about the investigation and the results that I had not been told.

‘On New Year’s Eve 2014, Mathew had proposed in our home.

After gruelling chemotherapy, she was told her cervical tumour had gone

After gruelling chemotherapy, she was told her cervical tumour had gone

But shadowing was found on her chest and abdomen – the cancer had spread

But shadowing was found on her chest and abdomen – the cancer had spread

‘But now, thanks to this letter, on Christmas Eve I discovered there was a 7cm mass in my cervix that was most likely to be cancer.

‘I was devastated. It felt like I was in a big black hole. Just two months earlier I’d married my soulmate, on the happiest day of my life, and now I discovered I had cancer.’

Trying to enjoy Christmas as best she could, on January 3, 2017, Talitha had a cervical investigation under general anaesthetic at East Surrey Hospital, in Redhill, Surrey.

‘Once I woke up, it was confirmed that I had cervical cancer stage 2B,’ she said. ‘I knew they were going to tell me that, but it didn’t make the news any less awful.

‘My husband and my parents, Rose, and retired postman Paul, 65, were with me and it hit us all like a bus.’

‘I did not expect to be dealing with this in our first year of marriage’ 

Just two months earlier, on October 15, she and Mr Sargeant, who have been together for five years after meeting on a hospital work placement, had married in All Saints Church in Roffey, West Sussex, in a fairy-tale ceremony.

She said: ‘The wedding was absolutely beautiful. I was smiling from the moment I woke up to the moment we went to sleep in the early hours.

‘My dress was a perfect fairy-tale gown, nothing like I’d expected to wear, but I really felt so magical in it.

‘I never expected us to be dealing with this in our first year of marriage.

‘We had a quite traditional wedding vows – ‘in sickness and in health’ – and we’re taking them quite seriously.

‘We thought we were going to plan for children and save for a house. But it shows us that we can deal with anything and are so right for each other.’

‘we appreciate each other more, we’ve learned about each other more and we love each other more’

Referred to the St Luke’s Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guilford, Mrs Sargeant  was told in mid January she would need surgery to move her ovaries, in an attempt to preserve hormone function and fertility.

‘I was told I would never be able to carry my own child. This left me feeling robbed and devastated,’ she said.

‘I was a newly married wife planning on starting a family. Oddly I found this more upsetting than being told I had cancer.

‘From there, I started a gruelling seven weeks of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and brachytherapy – a form of radiotherapy.’

Mrs Sargeant told her new husband that she wouldn't have blamed him if he'd left her

Mrs Sargeant told her new husband that she wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d left her

After three months, Mrs Sargeant was told her cervical tumour had gone but, tragically, there was shadowing in her chest and abdomen.

‘Following a PET scan, I was told on July 14, 2017, that my cancer had, sadly, spread to my lungs and lower back and at this point I was incurable.

‘I cannot describe in words how it is to hear that news.

‘Mathew could have told me he couldn’t cope. I wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d left me.

‘Instead, we appreciate each other more, we’ve learned about each other more and we love each other more. ‘

‘I remain positive about the future despite what I have been told’

Given a prognosis of two to three years, Mrs Sargeant  is now having palliative care, involving chemotherapy and immunotherapy every three weeks.

She said: ‘This whole experience has put things in perspective. I treasure moments more and I love Mathew more.

‘I know that with each day a new challenge will arise but whilst we have each other we will succeed. I remain positive about my future, despite what I have been told.’

She said the cancer has made her 'treasure' the moments she spends with her husband more

She said the cancer has made her ‘treasure’ the moments she spends with her husband more

After giving up work, Talitha plans to travel to Paris, Portugal, Canada and visit their honeymoon stops in America again.

She added: ‘I intend to be positive no matter what – even when I’m semi bald and resembling a member of the Addams Family!

‘I wish this was not happening to me, but I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, even if I cannot understand it.

‘I want other women to know their symptoms – pain and discomfort during sex, an unpleasant smelling vaginal discharge and bleeding.

‘Cancer may be inside me but it does not define who I am.’ 

Mrs Sargeant has been helped by cancer charity, Macmillan. For more information about support at Christmas visit here.


The symptoms of cervical cancer aren’t always obvious, and it may not cause any symptoms at all until it’s reached an advanced stage.

This is why it’s very important that you attend all of your cervical screening appointments.

Unusual bleeding

In most cases, vaginal bleeding is the first noticeable symptom of cervical cancer. It usually occurs after having sex.

Bleeding at any other time, other than your expected monthly period, is also considered unusual. This includes bleeding after the menopause (when a woman’s monthly periods stop).

Visit your GP for advice if you experience any type of unusual vaginal bleeding.

Other symptoms

Other symptoms of cervical cancer may include pain and discomfort during sex and an unpleasant smelling vaginal discharge.

Advanced cervical cancer

If the cancer spreads out of your cervix and into surrounding tissue and organs, it can trigger a range of other symptoms, including:

  • Constipation
  • Blood in your urine (haematuria)
  • Loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence)
  • Bone pain
  • Swelling of one of your legs
  • Severe pain in your side or back caused by swelling in your kidneys, related to a condition called hydronephrosis
  • Changes to your bladder and bowel habits
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Tiredness and a lack of energy

Source: NHS Choices