- The stars are considering the move to support Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid
- Both Kaepernick and Reid began to kneel during the national anthem in 2016
- Kaepernick is a free agent despite teams admitting he is a starting-level player
Several NFL stars are reportedly considering not playing until Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid are signed by teams.
According to columnist Shaun King, the protesting players are hoping that up to 25 per cent of the league will join them in sitting out.
In 2016, Kaepernick drew worldwide attention and sparked a protest movement after he began to kneel during the national anthem to raise awareness of racial equality and police brutality.
Columnist Shaun King revealed the news that NFL players are considering missing matches
He has been without a team since leaving the San Francisco 49ers in March 2017, with Reid, who joined his teammate in kneeling, also still unsigned.
Kaepernick filed a grievance back in October, saying that teams have conspired to keep him out of the NFL because of his protests.
Documents from the lawsuit showed that several teams considered Kaepernick a starting-caliber quarterback when he was made a free agent ahead of the 2017 season.
They are considering taking the action to force NFL teams to sign Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid
Reid filed a grievance similar to Kaepernick’s in early May.
In response to the protests, NFL owners approved a new policy that made it compulsory for players and team personnel to stand for the national anthem after leaving the locker room.
However, those who don’t wish to stand can stay in the locker room.
Kaepernick sparked a nationwide protest movement after he took a knee during the national anthem to raise awareness of inequality and police brutality