NHS IVF quadruplets celebrate their first Xmas at home

An ecstatic couple have celebrated their first Christmas with all four of their babies after they were born three months early weighing less than a bag of sugar. 

Identical twin brothers Gionni and Peppe, and identical twin sisters Melina and Mia, all weighed less than a bag of sugar when they were born three months early in December 2016.

Their parents Anna Savchenko, 33, a former nanny, and Giovanni Sapia, 50, a produce manager, from Harlow, Essex, had tried two rounds of IVF with no luck before trying and third and final desperate attempt on the NHS.  

Anna Savchenko, 33, and her four ‘miracle’ babies conceived on her last attempt at IVF celebrated Christmas at home this year after being too premature to go home last year

But Anna’s pregnancy didn’t go smoothly and doctors were forced to use a laser to sever the blood vessels of one of the tiny babies in order to save the other three while they were still in the womb.

On December 15, at 27 weeks and three days pregnant Anna’s waters broke at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge.

She underwent at emergency caesarean section, giving birth first to Melina, weighing 2lbs, Gionni at 2lb 4oz, Peppe at 2lb 1oz

 Baby Mia was the smallest and weighed just 13oz- a third of the weight of a bag of sugar- and had to undergo two major surgeries just hours after being born.

Her devastated parents were told her situation was futile, and decided to let nature run its course. 

Anna said: ‘Baby Mia was given a less than one per cent chance of survival, but she still had a small heartbeat and was clinging on.

The quads were all born at 27 weeks and three days and baby Mia (above) weighed only 13oz at birth and needed to undergo two major surgeries when she was just hours old

The quads were all born at 27 weeks and three days and baby Mia (above) weighed only 13oz at birth and needed to undergo two major surgeries when she was just hours old

‘I called her my little jellyfish as that’s what she looked like. It was so awful. 

Mia had to be put straight on a high-frequency ventilator and have a hole pierced in her tummy and slowly expanded, as air and fluids began filling up her lungs. 

But Anna said: ‘Then a miracle happened and she turned a corner. The surgeons said they had never seen anything like it.

Melina, Mia's identical twin sister, was born weighing 2lb. Doctors had to use lasers to sever the blood vessels of one of the tiny babies in order to save the other three while they were still in the womb

Melina, Mia’s identical twin sister, was born weighing 2lb. Doctors had to use lasers to sever the blood vessels of one of the tiny babies in order to save the other three while they were still in the womb

A year on, Anna and Giovanni have had the best present they could ask for and celebrated Christmas at home with all four of their babies.

‘Last Christmas was awful. We spent it looking at the babies in incubators in hospital accommodation, not knowing if any of them would survive,’ said Anna.

‘This year we are all safe and together at home for Christmas. While the day seemed quite ordinary, it is the best present we could ever ask for.’

Gionni weighed 2lb 4oz when he was born. All four of the babies had to spend their first Christmas in the hospital as they were too premature to survive life outside the hospital

Gionni weighed 2lb 4oz when he was born. All four of the babies had to spend their first Christmas in the hospital as they were too premature to survive life outside the hospital

She added: ‘Being told you’re having quadruplets might be daunting to some mums, but to me it was the greatest news I’d ever heard.’

The couple have not had an easy journey to parenthood since they married in 2011. 

After meeting on online dating site they a whirlwind six-month romance before deciding to move in together and try to have a family.

The couple tried for a baby for a year but were left disappointed every month when Anna did not get pregnant. 

Peppe weighed 2lb 1oz when he was born. His parents Anna Savchenko and Giovanni Sapia tried for over a year to conceive naturally but to no avail and turned to IVF to have their family

Peppe weighed 2lb 1oz when he was born. His parents Anna Savchenko and Giovanni Sapia tried for over a year to conceive naturally but to no avail and turned to IVF to have their family

In September 2011, the couple visited their local GP and underwent fertility tests, only to be told it was unlikely they would ever conceive naturally.

Although they were entitled to three rounds of NHS funded IVF, Anna was told she would have to shed some of her 16.5 stone, size 18 weight.

She said: ‘It was a shock to realise that my weight might be part of the problem. But it made me determined to lose it, I would do anything to have babies.’

After 18 months, in April 2014, Anna had shed five stone, dropped two dress sizes and was ready to start IVF, which began in September 2014.

Anna pictured with Mia during their first skin to skin contact. Anna went through months of hormone injections and finally conceived her babies on the third IVF attempt

Anna pictured with Mia during their first skin to skin contact. Anna went through months of hormone injections and finally conceived her babies on the third IVF attempt

Anna had to go through months of daily hormone injections , but despite every effort the couple were told the IVF had failed.  

A year later their second round of IVF also failed leaving the couple heartbroken.

Finally, on June 25 2016, Anna had two eggs inserted into her uterus for the couple’s third and final round of IVF.

She said: ‘We were both praying for a miracle. We would never have been able to afford private treatment so it would have been the end of our dreams.’

Two weeks later, Anna took a test and received the news she had been longing for – a tiny, positive cross indicating she was pregnant.

Mia had to be put straight on a high-frequency ventilator and have a hole pierced in her tummy and slowly expanded, as air and fluids began filling up her lungs

Mia had to be put straight on a high-frequency ventilator and have a hole pierced in her tummy and slowly expanded, as air and fluids began filling up her lungs

She said: ‘I was so excited I burst into tears. Giovanni and I held each other and jumped up and down with excitement.’

And five weeks after that, Giovanni and Anna discovered that they were expecting quadruplets, as both eggs had taken and split into two.

‘We couldn’t believe the news. We had hit the jackpot, well the rollover jackpot, as we were going to have four kids. Two sets of identical boy and girl twins,’ Anna said.

But the couple were warned there may be complications with so many babies – and Anna said she was on ‘tenterhooks’ knowing that there may be trouble ahead.

But the prospective parents where we were hit with news that the words no expectant mother wants to hear.

fave weeks after having two eggs implanted in her womb Giovanni and Anna discovered that they were expecting quadruplets, as both eggs had taken and split into two

fave weeks after having two eggs implanted in her womb Giovanni and Anna discovered that they were expecting quadruplets, as both eggs had taken and split into two

Baby Mia was not growing properly and if she died in the womb, Anna would miscarry the entire pregnancy.

‘We were told that same day I would need to have laser surgery immediately to cut the vessels between Mia and her sister in order to save the other babies.’ Anna said.

‘I was devastated and terrified, but if it was necessary I was prepared.’

But baby Mia was a fighter, and after the 40 minute procedure her heart carried on beating.

And she kept on fighting, despite Anna being told at each hospital appointment that Mia was just days away from death.

Anna said: ‘I could feel her wriggling. She was a little fighter.’ 

Anna and Giovanni were able to take Melina, Gionna and Peppe home three months after they were born and bring Mia to join them two months later so they could spend their first Christmas together

Anna and Giovanni were able to take Melina, Gionna and Peppe home three months after they were born and bring Mia to join them two months later so they could spend their first Christmas together

Melina and Gionna were discharged from hospital after three months and a week and Pepe came out a week later.

Mia stayed in hospital for over five months, finally coming home on May 31.

Now, Anna and Giovanni have all their children at home to make it the most special Christmas ever.

Anna says: ‘We are settling into life with four teething cherubs on our hands.

‘It’s a whirlwind. There is always so much to do but I wouldn’t change any of them for the world.

‘Luckily I used to work as a nanny, so I am used to a lot of kids, but this is another level of parenting.

‘The babies are still so small so obviously they don’t understand about Christmas, but this year it is so special for us.’

‘Mia is still much smaller than her brothers and sister, only weighing 14lbs. But they are all quite gentle with her, it’s very cute to watch.

‘We are really looking forward to the new year and seeing Mia catch up with her siblings after only spending six months of this year at home.’

Doctors have told her she will face some problems as she grows up, but are not sure to what extent.

But Anna said: ‘Whatever happens she’ll always have us and her brothers and sister to support her.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk