NHS staffing crisis timebomb: 130,000 workers are STILL not fully jabbed

The NHS’ winter staffing crisis deepened again today as it emerged one in every 10 doctors are now off sick, including one in seven in London, the current Covid epicentre.   

Doctors are braced for a ‘difficult’ Christmas and New Year as they treat a surging number of new Covid patients in hospital at the same time as more staff are absent because of the virus. 

A survey by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) found 13.9% of health workers were absent in the capital, with 7.4% of these because of Covid. The research added that the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant means it is feared up to a third of NHS staff could be off sick by mid-January.

It comes as figures show up to 130,000 frontline staff – almost ten per cent of the total workforce – are still not fully vaccinated despite the growing threat and the prospect of losing their jobs if they are not double-jabbed by April 1. 

Andrew Goddard, president of the RCP, said: ‘With one in 24 doctors off work because of Covid-19, rising to one in 13 in London, absence is the worst we have seen during the pandemic other than at the end of March 2020. 

‘But at that point we didn’t have access to the personal protective equipment (PPE) we needed, we had cancelled almost all other activity, it was spring, and we were dealing with a less transmissible strain.’

He added that the workforce is ‘tired and demoralised’ after nearly two years of dealing with the pandemic and trying to deliver as much non-Covid care as possible, while also juggling annual leave requests over Chrisstmas. 

Mr Goddard called for ‘proper NHS workforce planning’, which he said would deliver thousands more doctors and nurses, and reiterated an urge for the public to get vaccinated, while limiting social interactions over the festive period.  

‘That’s not a message people want to hear and not one it’s easy to deliver, but if we aren’t cautious, we risk the number of available health and care staff falling to dangerous levels,’ he said.

Health chiefs today announced those who test positive for Covid can be released after seven days, rather than 10, providing they take two lateral flow tests at the end of that period and are fully-jabbed. The NHS could set up ‘field hospitals’ in the car parks of existing hospitals, staffed by Army medics, the Guardian reports. The plan raises further questions about the decision to close the Nightingale Hospitals.  

Hospitals in parts of England with the highest infection rates are predicting that one-third of NHS staff could be off sick by January and there are some tensions between vaccinated staff and unvaccinated colleagues, who are more likely to get the virus and face strict quarantine rules keeping them off work, even if they don’t test positive.

Piling more pressure on their vaccinated colleagues, the NHS’ own figures on staff vaccinations from December 16 show that up to 130,000 of the NHS 1.4m workers have had just one or even zero jabs. 30,000 of those are in London, which is the current epicentre of the UK’s Omicron outbreak.  

The NHS does not break down the jobs of those who have so far resisted vaccinations, although the BMJ reported earlier this year that at the University Hospitals of Leicester the take up was lowest among doctors, where 57 per cent had the jab compared to 73 per cent amongst administrative staff and 73 per cent of healthcare scientists. 

The trust said that 71 per cent of white staff took up at least one dose of the vaccine, compared with 59 per cent of their South Asian staff and 37 per cent of black staff. The report noted that doctors were the only group where ethnic minorities were the majority and said that medics were the youngest cohort at the trust, suggesting some may not have had a jab because they perceive themselves as being at lower risk. 

As Tony Blair branded the unjabbed ‘idiots’, unvaccinated NHS workers are not only more likely to get the illness, they must also isolate for ten days regardless of negative PCR test results if they come into close contact with a case. 

There are also still 23 per cent of NHS frontline staff have also not had their boosters, despite millions of Britons rushing to their vaccination centres to get one over the past month after being told it will give better protection against the new variant spreading through the UK. 

The Government imposed a ‘no jab, no job’ policy in care homes from November 11. But the same diktat will not apply to the NHS frontline until April 2022.  

There are also still 23 per cent of NHS frontline staff have also not had their boosters, despite millions of Britons rushing to their vaccination centres to get one over the past month

The NHS' own figures on staff vaccinations from December 16 show that up to 130,000 of the NHS 1.4m workers have had just one or even zero jabs. 30,000 of those are in London, which is the current epicentre of the UK's Omicron outbreak.

The NHS’ own figures on staff vaccinations from December 16 show that up to 130,000 of the NHS 1.4m workers have had just one or even zero jabs. 30,000 of those are in London, which is the current epicentre of the UK’s Omicron outbreak.

The number of confirmed cases of Omicron in England increased by 69 per cent on the previous day’s total – up 9,427 to 23,168, figures from the UKHSA showed today

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated adults, who come into contact with a covid case, which is highly likely on the NHS frontline, must isolate for 10 full days even if PCR tests are negative.

Isolation for positive Covid cases is cut from 10 to seven days releasing up to 280,000 to enjoy Christmas and easing the crippling absentee burden on the NHS – but unvaccinated contacts must still quarantine for the full 10 days 

Health chiefs have today announced those who test positive for Covid can be released after seven days, rather than 10, providing they take two lateral flow tests at the end of that period.

Health chiefs have today announced those who test positive for Covid can be released after seven days, rather than 10, providing they take two lateral flow tests at the end of that period.

More than 280,000 people infected with coronavirus and facing Christmas alone can now safely enjoy festivities with their families after a change in isolation rules.

Health chiefs have today announced those who test positive for Covid can be released after seven days, rather than 10, providing they take two lateral flow tests at the end of that period.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said infected patients can take the tests 24 hours apart on day six and seven of their isolation period, which if negative means they can stop quarantining.

This means the 102,875 people who tested positive on December 15, the 95,058 positive cases the following day, and a further 82,945 people who contracted the virus on December 17, will be free to enjoy Christmas together with loved ones under the new rules.

It has also been hailed as a major boost to the NHS, with Health Secretary Sajid Javid reportedly among those concerned at the number of staff who’ve been off work with the virus under the 10-day rule. 

However, unvaccinated adults who have come into contact with someone infected with Covid must still self-isolate until 10 days after their estimated date of exposure to the virus. 


And if any of those people catch the virus their self-isolation period is ten days – but this has been cut to seven days for anyone with two doses of the vaccine.  

Medical staff at the King’s College Hospital, in south-east London, have said they are holding out hope they will avoid a huge surge of admissions before Christmas as Omicron spreads across the capital, but are feeling the pressure over staff shortages due to Covid-related absences.

The absences consist of staff who either tested positive or are isolating.

Professor Clive Kay, chief executive of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said just over 600 staff out of 14,000 are off sick across due to Covid-related absences in the trust, which consists of King’s College Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital in Bromley, Orpington Hospital, plus services at Beckenham Beacon and Queen Mary’s Hospital.

Nearly 170 coronavirus patients are currently being treated at King’s College and the Princess Royal Hospital as of Wednesday compared to 60 patients at the end of November.

A total of 102 patients are in general beds and 18 are in critical care at King’s, while 45 patients are in general and three patients are in critical care at the Princess Royal.

At its peak during the second wave in January 2021, the trust was treating 776 patients with Covid.

Separate figures from NHS England show that 1,904 people were in hospital in London with Covid-19 as of December 21 – the highest number since March 2 and up 41% from a week earlier.

But it is far below the second wave peak, which saw 7,917 patients in hospital on January 18.

Dr Tom Best, 53, a consultant in the critical care unit at King’s College, said the unit has not seen a surge in coronavirus cases in critical care at the moment despite the huge surge in cases of Covid in the capital, but added the number of critical care patients tends to rise after a jump in hospital admissions.

He told the PA news agency: ‘Our actual coronavirus numbers at the moment in critical care have been fairly steady…there’s lots of unknowns right now and that is generating quite a lot of anxiety because we are seeing such a massive rise in cases, all likely [due] to the Omicron variant.

‘So we are bracing ourselves for a significant impact. Adding to that is staff sickness, which is a reflection of the community prevalence we’re seeing at the moment.’

He said 20 to 25% of patients currently in critical care have Covid while 5% of critical care staff – double the usual amount – are off sick with Covid-related absences.

‘It presents extra challenges for the staff on the ground,’ he said. ‘We have to ask staff to step up to cover shifts at short notice and that’s really challenging.

‘Then there are times when there is a shortage, so staff on the ground have to work that extra bit harder to cover each other. We do our best to deal with it but there are significant challenges.’

Outlining the staff shortages, Professor Kay said: ‘I can’t pretend that the staff are happy with the situation. Last Christmas was ruined for so many staff and unfortunately, this wave is coming again over the Christmas period and that’s going to be difficult, but the staff are very professional.

‘The staff here at King’s and indeed throughout the NHS and social care have done an amazing job over the last couple of years and will continue to do so.’

Dr Laura Jane Smith, 39, a respiratory consultant in one of King’s two Covid wards, said the shortages combined with the ‘relentless nature’ of Covid is weighing on medics.

She told PA: ‘There are a number of different challenges we’re facing, one of which is staff shortages, and that’s been a real problem this week in particular.

‘The other challenges are it continues to be really tough to be working in PPE all day. Communicating with really sick patients with the PPE on really does limit how well we can show how much we care and empathise with people going through a really difficult time with a severe illness.

‘There’s lots to be hopeful for and things are certainly much better than they were last January.

‘We have two wards of Covid patients currently in the hospital whereas in January we took over the entire hospital. That’s largely down to the vaccination programme and also the fact that things have moved forward so much with the drug treatments we now have.’

She added most patients being admitted to hospital with coronavirus are unvaccinated.

‘A few have had one or several doses, and some of those will have other conditions that mean they’re at higher risk, but predominantly the patients that we’re seeing that are getting really sick still, needing advanced respiratory care and even intensive care, are patients who are not vaccinated.’

Professor Kay told PA the hospital is well-versed in treating patients with Covid but also planning for any surges.

‘We are running the organisation in a very structured way, making decisions in a very clear, methodical and careful way and responding to the situation on a day by day basis,’ he said.

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