Nicky Campbell defends himself against daughter bedroom picture backlash

Nicky Campbell defends himself against backlash over shaming his daughter by posting picture of his her messy bedroom on Twitter

  • Radio presenter Nicky Campbell posted a tweet of his daughter’s messy room 
  • His post provoked outrage but also comparisons from other disgruntled parents 
  • Many parents showcased their own children’s messy bedrooms in Twitter rants 

Nicky Campbell has hit back at critics who blasted him after he shared a picture of his daughter’s messy bedroom on Twitter. 

Campbell posted a tweet to his 141,300 followers on Monday showing the teenager’s untidy room adding that the mess had ‘really p*****’ him off’. 

The 58-year-old said: ‘This is completely unacceptable. You are nearly 19 years old and I am bloody sick of it. I don’t care that you were going to tidy it up. It just really p***** me off.’ 

The photo prompted an incredible backlash with people calling out the Radio 5 Live star for the ‘power imbalance’ of shaming her online.

Pictured: The tweet from Nicky Campbell that sparked criticism online, with social media users accusing him of a ‘very unfair’ power imbalance  

Nicky Campbell admonished daughter Breagha (far-right, pictured in 2011) in a post on Twitter in which he said her messy room 'really p*****' him off

Nicky Campbell admonished daughter Breagha (far-right, pictured in 2011) in a post on Twitter in which he said her messy room ‘really p*****’ him off

Labour MP Helen Goodman criticised the star, who co-presents Long Lost Family with Davina McCall, for airing his dirty laundry on social media.

In a reply to his tweet, she said: ‘Really very very unfair use of power imbalance. Most inappropriate.’

But in a series of tweets, the TV star defended the photograph and claimed it was a joke.

Nicky Campbell (pictured) came under fire after sharing a picture of his daughter's messy room online

Nicky Campbell (pictured) came under fire after sharing a picture of his daughter’s messy room online 

He revealed that it was actually his 21-year-old daughter’s bedroom and that she agreed to have the cheeky photograph shared on Twitter.

The daughter in question is thought to be Breagha, the eldest of his four girls with his partner, the journalist Christina Ritchie.

His other daughters are called Lilla, Kirsty, and Isla. But outraged parents said that he shouldn’t have shared the photograph anyway.

Dave Glass added: ‘I couldn’t share that – none of our business.’

And Fiona Chance admonished the 58-year-old for ruining his daughter’s future career chances.

She said: ‘Wrong to tweet this Nicky. This pic will now follow her for life when she’s making friends, forming relationships, applying for jobs etc.

‘You have invaded her privacy & possibly at some cost to her future. Keep parenting private!’

Harvey Jones added: ‘No Nicky – what is unacceptable is any parent putting a picture like this on social media as a punishment. Some things are better kept private and dealt with at home.’ 

Other bemused parents took to Twitter to show off their children’s dirty bedrooms as a point of comparison.   

Several parents commented on Campbell's post with pictures of their own children's messes

Several parents commented on Campbell’s post with pictures of their own children’s messes

One user uploaded a picture showing clothes covering almost every surface in a bedroom with the caption: ‘Mate, that’s nothing. Amateurish even. THIS is untidy!’ 

While another posted a picture of mess on the floor she claimed had been created by her medical student son within minutes of him arriving home.

‘I’ll take your 19 y/o and raise you my 22 y/o medical student son, who’s been home for “minutes”.’ She wrote. 

Nicky Campbell’s photograph showed piles of crumpled clothes and makeup strewn across the bedroom floor.

It has been retweeted over 400 times and liked over 6,000 times since the snap was posted on Friday evening.