Nicky Morgan accused of humiliating Theresa May on Brexit

Leading Tory rebel Nicky Morgan was last night taken to task for ‘humiliating’ Theresa May after she joined with Labour MPs to inflict a defeat on the Brexit Bill.

The former minister was accused of talking ‘twaddle’ and being disloyal as she scrambled to defend her decision to follow Labour through the division lobbies.

She received the grilling as she clashed with pro-Brexit journalist Isabel Oakeshott live on the BBC’s Question Time last night.

The journalist accused her of being disloyal and undermining the PM on the eve of a crucial EU summit in Brussels.

And she was heckled by furious Brexiteers in the audience who shouted ‘rubbish’ as she tried to defend her decision.

The former minister was among 11 Tories who flouted party bosses and voted through an amendment which forces the PM to give MPs a ‘meaningful vote’ on the deal. 

Nicky Morgan was among 11 Tories who flouted their party bosses and voted through an amendment which forces the PM to give MPs a 'meaningful vote' on the deal.

Question Time panelist Isabel Oakeshott (pictured left) grilled Tory rebel Nicky Morgan (pictured right) over why she flouted her party whip to inflict the defeat on the Brexit Bill

Nicky Morgan was booed and accused of trying to 'subvert the will of the British people' by angry Brexiteers in the audience as she appeared on BBC Question Time last night

Nicky Morgan was booed and accused of trying to ‘subvert the will of the British people’ by angry Brexiteers in the audience as she appeared on BBC Question Time last night

Audience member James Powers began the grilling when he asked: ‘When will some politicians stop trying to subvert the will of the British people on Brexit?’

Mrs Morgan, an arch Remainer, scrambled to defend her decision by insisting the rebellion was not about stopping Brexit but ‘the question is how we leave the European Union’. 

But the MP for Loughborough was taken apart by her fellow panelist Ms Oakshott who launched a furious attack on her decision.

She turned to the MP and said ‘I’m sorry Nicky I think this is sanctimonious twaddle’ – prompting howls of agreement form the audience.

Ms Oakshott said: ‘We have heard a lot from you about putting country before party, I think this is all about you actually because you don’t believe in Brexit do you?

‘Ultimately you say that you have accepted that it is going to happen but I don’t think you believe in it and I think.’ 

When Mrs Morgan said it is wrong for MPs to be subjected to a loyalty test, the journalist continued: ‘I’m really happy you have brought us on to the question of loyalty because I wonder how you, as a Conservative MP, felt as you trotted through the lobbies with Labour MPs..’ 

Audience member James Powers (pictured) grilled Nicky Morgan on voting against the Government, asking: ‘When will some politicians stop trying to subvert the will of the British people on Brexit?’

Audience member James Powers (pictured) grilled Nicky Morgan on voting against the Government, asking: ‘When will some politicians stop trying to subvert the will of the British people on Brexit?’

The journalist added: ‘You have humiliated the Prime Minister you have undermined her negotiating position and you are not standing up for what the people of this country voted for.’ 

Meanwhile, an audience member slammed ‘elite politicians’ and accused Mrs Morgan of carrying out a ‘treacherous act’ in voting against the Government.

And he also tore into Labour for trying to keep Britain in the single market despite the historic vote for Brexit.

The man, who was not named, said Mrs Morgan has ‘stabbed us in the back’ and said the British public are sovereign, adding: ‘I know you think we are think…(but) we know what we voted.’ 

The row came as Mrs May travelled back home to Britain after addressing the leaders of EU countries at a crucial summit in Brussels.

She urged them to move Brexit negotiations on to trade – receiving a round of applause from her fellow leaders.

The summit is today expected to rubber stamp the Prime Minister’s draft agreement as ‘sufficient progress’ on the terms of the UK’s departure from the bloc – allowing the start of trade talks.

But Mrs May will face an immediate new row about the sequencing of talks as Brussels will insist on agreeing a transition deal before full-blown trade talks.