Nicole said goodbye to her ‘fat suit’ body and shared her SmartPoints® weight-loss journey with her partner Sev


Nicole – Before and After

When I saw my old work team recently, they were all complimenting me on how much weight I’ve lost and that gave me a lot of confidence.

When I looked in the mirror, I felt as if I’d been zipped into a larger person’s body. I’d been a size 10 for years, since losing post-uni weight with my mum at Weight Watchers, but now, after having a baby, the weight was back. Sev proposed to me at the recording of The Graham Norton Show on New Year’s Eve 2013. While Graham was talking to him, Sev reached into his sock and pulled out an engagement ring! I was so happy.

The next surprise was baby Gracie. Having her has been amazing, but it left me with the ‘fat suit’ body I didn’t recognise. My legs chafed and even my engagement ring wouldn’t fit. To be honest, I saw pregnancy as an excuse to overeat. But, at my six-week check, my weight was a shock; I joined Weight Watchers pronto, and was delighted when Sev did, too.

We have a great incentive – our wedding is in June. The kitchen has become a fun space for us as a family, where we try out recipes. And we’ve been amazed by how filling veg can be, and how much energy we have in the mornings – important when you’re a new parent.

Nicole - After

Nicole – After

I was never into fitness, but my Fitbit has changed all that. Sev and I now compete over earning FitPoints! Sharing our weight-loss journey is all about quality family time. And though Sev hasn’t seen me in my size-10 wedding dress, he’ll get the full picture soon enough.


Nicole, 37

Lost: 1st 2lb

Height: 5′ 7″ Start weight: 10st 12lb

Current weight: 9st 10lb


SmartPoints are great, as you don’t have to eat things you dislike (it’s lettuce for me!) and we’ve discovered a whole world of new foods we never even knew existed.


Once you start moving and feel the benefits on your energy and mood, it’s addictive. I did a fitness DVD the other day and Sev was so shocked, he filmed me!


When I saw my old work team recently, they were all complimenting me on how much weight I’ve lost and that gave me a lot of confidence.

