Nigel Farage calls on ‘genuine Scottish nationalists’ to vote for the Brexit party in EU elections

Nigel Farage has made a pitch to SNP voters in Scotland, saying Scottish independence while still in the EU is the ‘most dishonest political discourse I’ve ever seen anywhere in the world’.

Urging pro-independence voters to ‘lend your votes to the Brexit Party’, Mr Farage told a passionate rally in Edinburgh that the party was set to revolutionise British politics.

He told supporters, who had paid £2.50 to attend the event in the Scottish capital: ‘Our politics is full of deception because here in Scotland we have the extraordinary situation where Nicola Sturgeon talks about independence.

‘She says that separating from the United Kingdom but staying part of the European Union means that Scotland will be independent.


Nigel Farage attends a rally with the Brexit Partys European election candidates at the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh on May 17, 2019 in Edinburgh, Scotland

‘It is, I think, the most dishonest political discourse I’ve ever seen anywhere in the world.

‘You cannot be independent if you’re governed from the European Court of Justice. You cannot be independent if you’re in the EU’s customs union and single market. You cannot be independent if you’re governed by Monsieur Barnier and Mr Juncker.’

He suggested that up to 30% of SNP voters do not want to be part of the EU, and added: ‘Even though I’m very unionist, I would say to those voters: unless we get Brexit, you cannot really have an intelligent debate about Scotland’s future.

Farage also suggested that up to 30 per cent of SNP voters do not want to be part of the EU, adding that Scotland should leave the EU with the rest of the UK before it can have an 'intelligent' debate on Scotland's future

Farage also suggested that up to 30 per cent of SNP voters do not want to be part of the EU, adding that Scotland should leave the EU with the rest of the UK before it can have an ‘intelligent’ debate on Scotland’s future

‘Actually, what you ought to do folks, is at this election lend your votes to the Brexit Party. Let’s get out of the European Union and then have an honest debate about the future of Scotland.’

Responding to comments by Scottish candidate Louis Stedman-Bryce that the party would not stand in the way of a second independence referendum, Mr Farage told reporters: ‘He said he wouldn’t stand in the way of it, but he also said that – given that it was said at the time that it was a once-in-a-generation vote – it shouldn’t happen for a very long time.

Farage criticised Nicola Sturgeon's attempts to keep Scotland in the Eu while campaigning for Scottish independence as 'most dishonest political discourse I've ever seen anywhere in the world'. Pictured: The First Minister joins SNP candidates to launch the party's manifesto for the European election in Glasgow

Farage criticised Nicola Sturgeon’s attempts to keep Scotland in the Eu while campaigning for Scottish independence as ‘most dishonest political discourse I’ve ever seen anywhere in the world’. Pictured: The First Minister joins SNP candidates to launch the party’s manifesto for the European election in Glasgow

Anti-racism demonstrators protest outside the corn Exchange against a rally being attended by Nigel Farage's Brexit Party

Anti-racism demonstrators protest outside the corn Exchange against a rally being attended by Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party

‘The same thing applies to the Brexit referendum, we were told this was a once-in-a-generation decision.’

Nicola Sturgeon used the SNP’s European Election to urge voters to use next week’s European elections to ‘stand up for Scotland’s right to be heard’.

With the majority of Scots having voted against Brexit in the 2016 referendum, the First Minister said the ballot on Thursday would allow people north of the border ‘to proclaim our determination to remain a European nation’.

Launching the SNP European election manifesto in Glasgow, she stated: ‘At this election we can send the powerful message that Scotland is for Europe.’

Farage’s call to independence supporters comes as new polling suggest The Brexit Party could earn more votes than Labour and the Conservatives combined in the European Parliament elections.

In an Opinium poll published in the Observer has predicted that Nigel Farage’s new party will hoover up 34 per cent of the vote.

More worryingly, a ComRes poll in the Sunday Telegraph suggested it could even beat the Tories in a General election, two extraordinary polls revealed this morning.

The survey of voting intentions put Brexit on 21 per cent to the Conservatives’ 20, which would see Farage’s team win 49 seats, becoming the UK’s second biggest party after Labour, with 137.

At the Edinburgh rally, Farage was also asked about receiving £450,000 of funding from Aaron Banks in the year after the 2016 referendum – a claim he earlier denied but one that Mr Banks reportedly confirmed – Mr Farage claimed that the issue was a private matter.

He said: ‘Whatever happened after the referendum, I was leaving politics, it was happening mostly in America, had nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with the Brexit Party, it was purely on a personal basis.

‘I was looking for a new career and a new life, it’s got nothing to do with anything. It’s a purely private matter.’

Pressed on whether he declared it, he said: ‘Of course not, of course not. It’s a purely private matter, non-political in absolutely every way.

‘It was me, in America, seeking a new media career which I was looking forward to until Brexit was denied and so I’m back now in politics.’