Night hunting – What animals can you hunt at night?

For many, leisure time plays the role of not only replenishing energy for the time worked but also spending it with benefit and pleasure. For some, such an activity can be swimming, for others, it is playing the piano, cooking, and sports.

However, for a certain number of people, hunting is a kind of relaxation. Hunting is widespread in almost all countries of the world. Moreover, it is popular among both adults and teenagers who want to learn this craft from their elders.

When preparing for hunting, it is necessary to carry out a certain algorithm of actions, namely, prepare ammunition, and weapons, inspect the area, and decide on the time of day when the hunter will hunt.

Yes, hunting can take place both during the day and at night, depending on the goals pursued by the hunter and the animals he wants to hunt. The time of day will also affect the need to choose certain devices that improve visibility under night lighting.

These are flashlights, which in turn are divided into certain types: those that are attached to weapons, those that are attached to a feeder, flashlights with a blood detector, etc.

Also, for night hunting, the hunter can take thermal imaging mechanisms, which simplifies visual perception in the area. Thus, thanks to the use of thermal optical devices, it is possible to perceive that part of the terrain that is not visible to the human eye.

Instead, the device seems to scan the area, making it possible to recognize objects that are behind the bushes, behind some surface, provided their temperature is increased compared to the environment.

Daytime hunting is usually easier for the hunter because in daylight you feel more confident, and you can objectively assess the situation around you.

However, night hunting also has its own characteristics, which are determined not only by the environment, but also by the hunter’s experience, the ability to use special devices, and understanding of how to behave correctly with animals.

This is very important because the animals that are hunted at night are also adapted to nightlife and you need to know certain features of each of them to be successful. Animals that are hunted at night will be discussed further.

Many hunters who know how to hunt at night understand that night is the time when coyotes are hunted. These are predators that are mostly nocturnal and hide where there is less vegetation.

The hunter must inspect the area in which the hunt will be conducted in advance to minimize the occurrence of unforeseen situations.

In addition, when hunting coyotes, it is important to use night vision devices, since these animals can sneak up unnoticed from different directions and the hunter must be sure of his safety, contemplating the entire area as if it were daytime.

Deer hunting is also common at night. Although many deer are more active closer to sunrise, hunters generally consider them to be nocturnal animals that are best hunted at night. With deer, the situation on the hunt is much more complicated.

First, these are very intelligent animals that have good vision and navigate well in the dark. Secondly, the number of muscles on the upper body of a deer allows it to hear and see without turning its head, which can disorient the hunter.

In addition, a deer’s ear is very sensitive, and it can hear you at a long distance, which will prevent you from hunting it. Considering the above facts, you should stock up not only with special optical devices but also with patience, because deer hunting lasts a long time.

The main goal of the hunter when hunting these animals is to remain unnoticed.

Animals that lead an active lifestyle at night are also raccoons.

At first glance, they seem like quite cute animals, from which you do not expect danger. However, when it comes to hunting, the instinct of self-preservation is activated in them, and the animal becomes like a predator.

The main advantages of raccoons over hunters are a perfect sense of smell and fast movement from place to place. This allows them to avoid hunters and stay in the shadows.

The use of thermal imaging devices when hunting raccoons is mandatory both for your own safety and for a more effective result.

Hunting for hares and rabbits is also mainly conducted at night. The problem that almost every hunter faces when hunting these animals is their high speed and small size, especially rabbits.

For hunting such animals, it is recommended to use a weapon that will be as quiet as possible. This is explained by the fact that as soon as a hare or krill hears a shot, it will begin to flee into the thicket, that is, there is a low probability that the bullet will reach the animal.

You also need to move with extreme caution, because these animals’ hearing is quite well developed, and they will perceive every crack of a stick under their feet or rustle of leaves as a danger and rush to run away.

To navigate the terrain, it is recommended to use the colored light of a lantern, namely red, because it irritates the retina of the animal’s eyeless and the hunter becomes less noticeable.

This will allow you to get as close as possible to the animal and make a shot that is more likely to hit the target.

Night hunting is also practiced for foxes.

These are quite specific animals that are hunted mainly during the day. However, if the hunter decided to hunt a fox at night, it would be a great advantage to take with him a dog that can hear the smells that surround foxes quite well.

You can also use devices that transmit the sounds of those animals that are food for foxes and to which they will react.

It could be the sounds of rabbits. Most often, the animal, when it hears such sounds, begins to approach the place where the sound itself is focused, and the hunter can trace the segment in the area where the fox is moving and take a shot.

So, summing up the above, we can say that there are many animals that can be hunted at night. For this, you should choose a special area, inspect it in advance and prepare all possible equipment that will be useful during hunting.

Before hunting, you should study the characteristics of the animals that will become the objects, as well as the methods that are used when hunting them.

Complying with these points is important, first, in view of the hunter’s safety, because the health and life of a person always come first.