Ninety-year-old woman reveals why she has visited the same gym for 37 years

Ninety-year-old woman reveals why she has visited the same gym for 37 years – and her secret to staying fit

  • Valda Swindells, from Cheltenham, Victoria, is an avid gym goer at aged 90
  • She joined Goodlife gyms in 1983, aged 53, after her husband passed away
  • The vibrant woman has been doing aqua aerobics for the past 30 years
  • She can no longer drive but orders a taxi to get to the gym twice a week 

A ninety-year-old woman who has visited the same gym for 37 years has revealed why aqua aerobics is her favourite way to keep fit.

Valda Swindells, who is based in Cheltenham, Victoria, first joined Goodlife fitness club in 1983, aged 52, after her husband died.

‘I wanted to keep fit and active… and I also loved aerobics in general,’ the sprightly woman told FEMAIL.

‘I’m still here so I must have done something right. I’ve kept up Aqua aerobics the last 30 years. They also used to offer night classes as well.’

Valda Swindells, who is based in Cheltenham, Victoria, first joined Goodlife fitness club in 1983, aged 52, after her husband died (right, pictured with her friend Barbara)

While Valda used to attend the training facility four times a week she has now cut it back to two days, and plays golf in her spare time. 

And even though physical activity is her top priority she’s also going along for the socialising between other members, like her best friend Barbara who has been signed up for 30 years.

‘I love coming to my class but also the coffee and chat I get to have afterwards,’ she said.

‘I just love the company of my aqua ladies and the class is so fun.’

In the past 10 years Valda has been to the gym 848 times and she has no plans to ‘retire’ from the pool.  

In the past 10 years Valda (right) has been to the gym 848 times and she has no plans to 'retire' from the pool

In the past 10 years Valda (right) has been to the gym 848 times and she has no plans to ‘retire’ from the pool

‘I can’t drive anymore but that hasn’t stopped me. I now take a taxi here two days a week,’ she said. 

Her advice to younger patrons of the gym is to keep going, even when you feel like you don’t have the energy to push yourself. 

‘I know it’s hard when you have young kids or when people pass, believe me I know. But things come and go and you always have to make time for yourself,’ she said.

‘Exercise will always be there for you. And I’m grateful to have met my lovely friends who have been coming to the gym with me the last 30 years.’