No 10 wine supplier warns UK will ‘starve’ after Brexit 

Downing Street’s wine supplier today warned Britons will ‘starve’ if Brexit stops fruit pickers entering the UK.

Frazer Thompson, the chief executive of Chapel Down, England’s biggest winemaker, said his relies on EU workers to pick grapes in Kent for its drinks, which also include beer, cider and gin.

The intervention is embarrassing for Prime Minister Theresa May, who has placed controlling immigration at the heart of her Brexit strategy.

Brexit supporters accused Mr Thompson of talking ‘rubbish’ about the impact of quitting the EU. 

The Home Office said the Government was committed to developing an immigration system that works for all sectors of the economy, including agriculture. 

Frazer Thompson, the chief executive of winemaker Chapel Down, today warned Britons will ‘starve’ if Brexit stops fruit pickers entering the UK

Chapel Down chief executive Frazer Thompson said: ‘The biggest potential impact (of Brexit) is on agricultural labour.

‘Kent has had Eastern Europeans picking fruit in recent years, but we’ll all starve if the labour issue is not sorted after Brexit.’

Mr Thompson’s comments come as tonnes of fruit have been left to rot in farms across the country – including in Kent, Scotland and Herefordshire – because Brexit has made it harder to recruit European pickers.

According to the National Farmers’ Union, the horticulture industry had a 29% shortfall of seasonal workers in September.

Mrs May has continuously said she would like to see net migration fall to the ‘tens of thousands’, despite warnings over the economic cost.

The Chapel Down chief added: ‘We want a resolution to allow us to have freedom of movement for labour to pick the fruit, this is something that affects all fruit farmers across the south east of England.

‘I’m hoping it will be sorted out and I hope they won’t close the doors, as if there’s no-one to pick the fruit, we’ll have to import everything.’

Tory MP for Mansfield Ben Bradley told MailOnline: ‘Maybe they’ve had a heavy night drinking their profits away at the staff Christmas party? I’m fairly sure wine is not the most vital factor in whether or not we starve and I doubt millionaire company bosses would be the first to go without.

‘The Government has been very clear that it recognises the need for labour in agriculture and will have this in mind when deciding immigration rules.

‘We need clarity on that asap and we’ll get it asap. It’s not wise to talk rubbish in the interim.’  

Chapel Down, England's biggest winemaker, relies on EU workers to pick grapes at its Kent farms (pictured) for its drinks, which also include beer, cider and gin

Chapel Down, England’s biggest winemaker, relies on EU workers to pick grapes at its Kent farms (pictured) for its drinks, which also include beer, cider and gin

However, doubts remain over Britain’s ability to import or export anything freely with the EU and the rest of the world as the Conservatives have yet to begin trade talks with the bloc or ink any deals with non-EU countries.

The chief executive of Sainsbury’s has also previously warned that fresh food could be left rotting at the British border if strict customs controls for EU goods are put in place after Brexit.

The intervention is embarrassing for Prime Minister Theresa May, who has placed controlling immigration at the heart of her Brexit strategy, as No 10 is supplied by Chapel Down 

The intervention is embarrassing for Prime Minister Theresa May, who has placed controlling immigration at the heart of her Brexit strategy, as No 10 is supplied by Chapel Down 

Mr Thompson’s voice is the latest to join a chorus of business leaders and industry bodies that have issued stark warnings on how Brexit is affecting or will affect numerous sectors, including agriculture, aerospace, manufacturing, retail, airlines, construction and financial services.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: ‘We remain committed to bringing down net migration to sustainable levels.

‘After we leave the EU, we will put in place an immigration system which works in the best interests of the whole of the UK.

‘Crucial to the development of this new immigration system will be the views from a range of businesses, including those in agriculture and the food and drink industries.

‘We have also asked the Migration Advisory Committee to assess the economic and social impact of EU citizens in the UK.

‘We are carefully considering the options for the future immigration system and will set out our plans shortly.

‘We have already been clear there will be an implementation period after we leave the EU to avoid a cliff edge for businesses and that EU citizens already working in the UK will be able to apply for settled status so they can stay.’