No star names and Westminster’s sitting this one out – just like many voters today. Welcome to Rochdale… The most ludicrous by-election anyone can remember

Never mind who wins. I’m looking forward to ­tomorrow morning when the major political parties are supposed to put the mandatory gloss on this by-­election result.

And I can’t wait to see the moment when the telly pundits plug the result into the computer to extrapolate what the political map of Britain would look like if this vote was reflected nationwide.

Because it’s going to look farcical. For here in Rochdale, I am witnessing surely the most ludicrous by-election in living memory. It is one that all the main parties are ignoring.

No footsoldiers have been mobilised. No star names have been despatched for a photo opportunity outside Rochdale’s magnificent Gothic town hall. Westminster has decided to sit this one out. And so, it seems, have most of the voters.

This is a by-election, caused by the death of a Labour MP, in which two former Labour MPs are fighting each other, as well as the candidate picked to be the next Labour MP. Except that Azhar Ali has now been formally dumped and stripped of his red rosette.

He is fighting on alone, having pushed the Labour leadership beyond endurance with his remarks about the Gaza/Israel conflict.

His ex-party has been unable to replace him. Nominations for the by-election had closed by the time The Mail on Sunday and Daily Mail leaked some of Mr Ali’s incendiary comments made at a recent Labour Party meeting. The Lancashire county councillor was recorded saying Israel had willingly allowed Hamas to invade and kill 1,200 Israelis on October 7, in order to justify its assault on Gaza.

‘They deliberately took the security off, they allowed… that massacre that gives them the green light to do whatever they bloody want,’ he said. He then compounded his loopy conspiracy theory by going on to say that a fiercely pro-Palestinian Labour MP had been suspended thanks to ‘people in the media from certain Jewish quarters’.

Faced with charges of prima facie anti-Semitism in his own ranks, Sir Keir Starmer decided that Mr Ali (who has apologised for his remarks) was more trouble than he was worth and disowned him.

Baffling: George Galloway on the campaign trail for the Workers Party

No stranger: Simon Danczuk, who has joined Nigel Farage's party, and his third wife Claudine Uwamahoro

No stranger: Simon Danczuk, who has joined Nigel Farage’s party, and his third wife Claudine Uwamahoro

On the eve of what should have been a triumphal walk in the park for the party, I find no signs of life at the Labour Party’s Rochdale ‘Campaign Headquarters’. The shutters are down. The phone number painted above the door is dead. Aside from occasional sightings on the streets or at the official opening of postal votes, Mr Ali has been all but invisible.

A little later, I see a bright blue bus cruising through town with the Reform Party candidate urging passers-by to tick his box on today’s ballot paper. Simon Danczuk needs no introduction to this place. He was elected twice as the Labour MP for Rochdale, until he was brought down by a sexting scandal.

He has now joined Nigel Farage’s party, arguing that the Labour Party he used to represent has now been captured by ‘a North London elite with a woke agenda’.

Half a mile away, his former parliamentary colleague, George Galloway, is holding forth above the car dealership serving as his campaign headquarters. The showroom is now festooned with Palestinian flags. Once the Labour MP for Glasgow Hillhead, Mr Galloway is now standing for the Workers Party, on an avowedly pro-Gaza ticket. He remains the bookies’ favourite to win this contest.

Nor is Mr Ali the only candidate to have been dumped by his party at the 11th hour. The Greens’ Guy Otten has also vanished, even though he, too, still remains on the ballot paper. In his case, some ‘historic’ disobliging remarks about Islam on social media surfaced after the campaign was already under way and he has simply vanished.

The Greens, meanwhile, have urged their supporters to back a local independent whose campaign has been somewhat disrupted by a court summons relating to a Just Stop Oil protest. Still with me?

Little wonder that I find the electorate not merely uninterested but contemptuous. Self-styled ‘socialist’ Mark Walsh, out shopping with his 20-year-old daughter, says he won’t be voting Labour this time as it is in ‘a mess’. ‘I won’t be voting for any of them,’ he says. ‘George Galloway wants to make Gaza an issue but that’s not important to local people.’

Office worker Anna McKeown, 47, says she has always voted Labour in the past but probably won’t bother. ‘Labour should have got a candidate who could keep his views on Gaza to himself,’ she says.

Lib-Dem supporter Adam Lees, 50, thinks the by-election is a ‘farce’ and a waste of time, given that the country will soon be going to the polls. ‘I’ll just vote in the General Election later this year instead. Whoever wins may only be here for six months,’ he says. He is not wrong. As well as being absurd, this by-election is also bordering on pointless. So how do these candidates summon up the enthusiasm to plod through rainy streets in pursuit of an electorate which couldn’t care less?

‘It’s my job to fight elections. I’m the leader of a political party that wants to grow,’ says Mr Galloway.

He insists that his campaign is ‘75 per cent’ about local issues, although the leaflets and newsletters which I see are overwhelmingly concerned with Gaza.

‘Sir Keir Starmer’s pro-Israel Labour Party and Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives are two cheeks of the same backside,’ states one new pamphlet, which offers not one Rochdale-related policy.

Mr Galloway is unapologetic. ‘If this was February 1940, would you really be putting it to me that it was somehow a pejorative that I was highlighting a holocaust going on?’ he asks.

His rivals argue that he is simply capitalising on a general lack of interest here by galvanising the Muslim community who comprise around a third of the population in this constituency. Certainly, the only voters I meet exuding any sort of enthusiasm for today’s poll fall into that camp. ‘He’s saying the right things about Gaza and he’s going to put money into Rochdale,’ says student Ali Malik, 18, outside the town hall.

‘Galloway is entirely unsuitable for this constituency,’ says Simon Danczuk. ‘He’s a grifter and a chancer.’ Mr Danczuk says this is precisely why he has been delivering leaflets saying ‘Vote for Rochdale, not Gaza’. One man has since been arrested for posting a video of himself tearing up the leaflet and warning that he will put a ‘bullet’ in Mr Danczuk’s head.

For all that, he says he is enjoying being back in the political fray, having lost his seat in 2017. That followed his deselection after inappropriate texts to a 17-year-old woman. He doesn’t duck the matter and says he was having a mental breakdown at the time and ‘handled it very badly’.

He has recently married for a third time, to a woman he met in Rwanda, and still lives in the town near his two children.

His campaign team point to the fact that many voters still remember his vociferous campaign against the child-grooming gangs which dragged Rochdale’s reputation through the mud in recent years. So did shocking revelations regarding former Liberal MP and paedophile, Cyril Smith (about whom Mr Danczuk wrote a withering book).

There is no love lost between Messrs Galloway, Danczuk and Ali. All of which leaves the Tory candidate, gardener Paul Ellison, relatively unscathed.

It is clear that his party does not stand a chance here, although his opponents have been quick to point out that he took a foreign holiday during the campaign. ‘It was precious time which I had booked with my 12-year-old daughter months before,’ he says. ‘For me, family comes first.’

Voted ‘Mr Rochdale’ in 2019/20 for delivering a national horticultural medal for the town’s ‘Rochdale In Bloom’ campaign, he is adamant that only he stands for uniting the community in a by-election riven with division and ennui.

At the end of a baffling day on this bizarre campaign trail, I am none the wiser. But I think I can make one prediction.

With their proposals for the introduction of a 99p coin, I believe it could be a good night for the Monster Raving Loony Party.
