North Korea calls Trump ‘lunatic’ over nuclear tweet

North Korea’s state-run media says President Trump’s tweet about having a bigger nuclear button than Kim Jong Un’s is the ‘spasm of a lunatic.’

State-run newspaper Rodong Sinmun dismissed Trump’s ‘swaggering’ as the ‘bark of a rabid dog’ and said he is frightened by North Korea’s power.

It added that Trump’s tweet ‘reflects the desperate mental state of a loser who failed to check the vigorous advance of the army and people of [North Korea].’ 

Donald Trump tweeted that he has a bigger nuclear button than Kim Jong-un after the North Korean leader bragged about having one placed on his desk

Kim's state-run newspaper described the tweet as the 'spasm of a lunatic' while saying Trump has the mental function 'of a preschooler' and 'the symptoms of dementia'

Kim’s state-run newspaper described the tweet as the ‘spasm of a lunatic’ while saying Trump has the mental function ‘of a preschooler’ and ‘the symptoms of dementia’

‘He is making [a] bluff only to be diagnosed as a psychopath,’ the paper said.

In a separate editorial also published on Tuesday, Rodong Sinmun called Trump ‘a lunatic president whose thinking faculty is at the level of preschooler and who has the symptom of dementia.’

The paper accused the US of attempting to drive a wedge between North and South Korea as the pair engage in diplomatic talks.

‘The U.S. dislikes to see the situation on the Korean Peninsula defused and the peaceful atmosphere created in Asia-Pacific,’ it said.

‘What is all the more dangerous is that the U.S. military actions are pursuant to the lunatic president’s ignorance and frenzy, not prompted by any political demand and reasonable judgment.’

The President issued his tweet on January 3 after Kim had bragged in his New Year address that he now had a nuclear button on his desk.

Trump responded: ‘North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” 

Trump recently suggested he is open to talks with North Korea and said he would have a good relationship with Kim, though the message does not appear to have gone down well

Trump recently suggested he is open to talks with North Korea and said he would have a good relationship with Kim, though the message does not appear to have gone down well

‘Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!’

The tweet made headlines across the globe and sparked concern that the two powers were inching close to nuclear war.

Just days later an alert was accidentally sent to phone in Hawaii warning of an incoming missile, sparking mass panic.

North Korea has picked up on questions surrounding Trump’s mental health since Michael Wolff published his book ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House’, the title of which is based on a Trump quote about North Korea.

The book repeatedly raises questions about Trump’s mental capacities. 

Despite the fiery back-and-forth between the two countries, Trump has suggested he would be open to talks with North Korea, and said he and Kim could have a good relationship.