North Korea nuke tests ‘have caused deformities in babies’

Tests at North Korea’s underground nuclear site have caused deformities in babies and turned the surrounding area into a wasteland, it has been claimed.

A group of defectors say springs have run dry while 80 per cent of newly planted trees have withered and died at Punggye-ri in the secretive country’s north east.

One, who used to live in Kilju county – where the site is located – claimed that ‘deformed babies’ were being born in hospitals in the area.

It comes as pictures reveal the impact North Korea’s sixth nuclear bomb test, carried out in early September, has had on the mountainous area – including ‘multiple landslides’.

A satellite picture shows the Punggye-ri site on September 4 - after North Korea's sixth nuclear bomb test

Tests at North Korea’s underground nuclear site have caused deformities in babies and turned the surrounding area into a wasteland, it has been claimed. Satellite images show the Punggye-ri site on September 1, before North Korea’s sixth nuclear bomb test (left) and how it appeared just days later on September 4 (right), with the area having suffered ‘multiple landslides’.

Dictator Kim Jong-un (centre) carried out North Korea's sixth nuclear bomb test on September 3 this year

Dictator Kim Jong-un (centre) carried out North Korea’s sixth nuclear bomb test on September 3 this year

One defector told South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper that locals were concerned about radioactive contamination and that residents were not given prior warning of nuclear tests.

He said: ‘I heard from a relative in Kilju that deformed babies were born in hospitals there.

Another, referring to Kim Jong-un’s latest nuclear test, added: ‘I spoke on the phone with family members I left behind there and they told me that all of the underground wells dried up after the sixth nuclear test.’

A third North Korean described how only family members of soldiers were evacuated from the surrounding areas with other residents ‘completely unaware’ of the tests.

The nuclear trials are also having an impact on the environment in the area, one former local claimed.

Satellite images from November 1 appear to show that the main administrative area at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site has been inactive since early September

Satellite images from November 1 appear to show that the main administrative area at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site has been inactive since early September

Pictures of the site on September 7  - days after the nuclear bomb test - show white vehicles  near the North Portal under a net canopy

Pictures of the site on September 7  – days after the nuclear bomb test – show white vehicles near the North Portal under a net canopy

Specialties like trout and pine mushrooms ‘disappeared’ after the first test in 2006, he claimed, with another defector claiming: ‘If you plant trees in the mountains there, 80 percent of them die. You can blame it on poor planting, but the number of trees that die is higher than in other mountains.’

The claims come after it was reported that more than 200 people were killed when a tunnel caved in at Punggye-ri after its latest detonation.

A tunnel collapsed in early September, days after North Korea conducted its sixth and largest underground nuclear test on September 3, TV Asahi said, quoting unnamed North Korean sources.

Some 100 workers were involved in an initial collapse. Another cave-in occurred during rescue operations, leaving at least 200 people feared dead in total, the Japanese broadcaster said.

The accident was triggered by the test, TV Asahi added.

Experts have warned that the underground tests could cause the mountain to collapse and leak radiation into the atmosphere near China’s border.

Overhead images from November 1 appear to show neatly aligned objects or personnel  at the tests site's Southern Support Area

Overhead images from November 1 appear to show neatly aligned objects or personnel at the tests site’s Southern Support Area

Satellite images show how a new structure has been built behind the guard barracks and several personnel or objects present in the courtyard

Satellite images show how a new structure has been built behind the guard barracks and several personnel or objects present in the courtyard

The latest test – the sixth at the site since 2006 – triggered landslides in the detonation area and beyond, according to satellite pictures taken the day after.

The images published by the 38 North website showed changes in the surface at Punggye-ri where the ground had been lifted into the air by the tremors. Small landslides followed the course of stream beds.

The blast caused a 6.3-magnitude earthquake, according to the US Geological Survey, followed a few minutes later by another with a magnitude of 4.1.

Japan assessed the yield from the test of what the North said was a hydrogen bomb at 120 kilotons, eight times the size of Hiroshima in 1945.

It is very unusual for North Korea to acknowledge any major accident, especially anything that involves its nuclear programme.

Lee Eugene, a spokeswoman at South Korea’s unification ministry, said: ‘We are aware of the report but do not know anything about it.’ 

The reclusive country has made significant strides in its atomic and missile technology under Kim, who took power after the death of his father and longtime ruler Kim Jong-Il in 2011.

Since then he has overseen four of the country’s six nuclear tests and hailed atomic weapons as a ‘treasured sword’ to protect the nation from invasion by the United States.