North Korean defector crowdfunds Kim Jong-un assassination

A North Korean defector who survived eight years in a prison camp is now crowd-funding Kim Jung Un’s assassination.

Dr. Lee Aeran, 53, escaped beatings, starvation and hard labour when she made the hazardous journey to a new life in South Korea in 1997.

She now runs a restaurant in Seoul where guests can donate cash towards the killing of the corpulent dictator, so far amassing more than £2,300.

Free: Dr. Lee Aeran, 53, escaped to South Korea in 1997 and has since opened a restaurant in Seoul where she is now taking donations towards Kim Jong-Un’s assassination

Dr Lee, who was awarded the 2010 International Women of Courage award by the US Government, said: ‘As long as Kim Jung-Un is alive, world peace isn’t possible.

‘I believe North Korea needs to implement a society based on democracy and that Kim Jung Un must be eliminated. The best way to do that is to assassinate him.

‘North Korea is a closed society so of course this will be difficult. So I decided to have a campaign awarding prize money to anyone that could kill him.

Dr Lee was forced to leave her husband behind in North Korea when she fled

Dr Lee was forced to leave her husband behind in North Korea when she fled

‘This may motivate people close to him. The fundraising campaign will reward the person who can kill him.’

Dr Lee first dreamed up the idea for her crowdfunding campaign in 2014, but wasn’t spurred into action until the death of US student Otto Warmbier this June.

Otto was held prisoner in her former hometown of Pyongyang for stealing a propaganda sign and died six days after returning to Ohio on a coma.

But Dr Lee admits not everyone has been taken by the bold campaign in her restaurant, called Neung-ra Table, with some loyal diners even vowing to boycott her.

But others have thrown support behind it – already donating £2,334 and heaping praise upon her idea.

Aeran said: ‘I first thought about this in 2014, but I was afraid to announce it publicly. But after Otto Warmbier died, I was encouraged to start this campaign.

‘Some customers strongly support the campaign and have donated to it. Others have gotten angry, said it’s awful and that they won’t return to my restaurant.’

Aeran’s hardship began aged ten when she was exiled with her family to a prison camp in the rugged Ryangganag Province.

She endured beatings, starvation and extreme labour and said the shadow of her banishment followed her long afterwards – even leading her to attempt suicide.

Kim Wrong-un: Dr Lee believes that assassinating North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un is the only way to achieve world peace

Kim Wrong-un: Dr Lee believes that assassinating North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un is the only way to achieve world peace

Cashing in:  The perspex box is on display in Dr Lee's restaurant in Seoul

Cashing in:  The perspex box is on display in Dr Lee’s restaurant in Seoul

DrLee being given an appreciation medal from Theodore D. Martin, the US commanding general, of the 2nd Infantry Division

DrLee being given an appreciation medal from Theodore D. Martin, the US commanding general, of the 2nd Infantry Division

Her family eventually risked execution by stealing across the Amur River into China and, after months of travelling by foot, eventually finding their way into Seoul.

Today Dr Lee employs exclusively female North Korean defectors in her restaurant, as well as teaching them other sides to life in capitalist society.

The mother-of-one, who was forced to leave her husband behind in North Korea, said: ‘When I was ten years old, were seized as we were having dinner and exiled to the deep countryside.

‘Life in the countryside was harsh, every day we had to endure extreme labor. I was beaten a lot, it was terrible.

Human rights fighter: Dr Lee during a an Otto Warmbier protest

Human rights fighter: Dr Lee during a an Otto Warmbier protest

‘Because of our background, we had no chance to have a good life in North Korea, we were always discriminated against afterwards.

‘After being rejected for so many opportunities, I attempted suicide. Life in North Korea was a nightmare for us.’

Aeran was taught English through the Teach North Korean Refugees program in Seoul, which help North Koreans integrate and relearn history after being taught propaganda.

She applied herself fully as a human rights campaigner, even rubbing shoulders with Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama in 2010.

And while her crowdfunded assassination bid may seem radical, Dr Lee believes it is the only solution to the tyranny of the repressive state.

She said: ‘After I left, I learned and realised the unlimited possibility of people as human beings when they gain freedom.

‘Life of North Korea was the same as slavery. To have peace in the world, we need to cooperate with people who believe in freedom, and get rid of North Korea.’