Not exactly Bette Davis in her prime: CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews Holly Willoughby’s acting debut on Midsomer Murders

Not exactly Bette Davis in her prime: CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews Holly Willoughby’s acting debut on Midsomer Murders

Holly Willoughby has a lot to learn about making a grand entrance. Instead of sweeping down a staircase like Bette Davis, or even emerging from the sea in a bikini a la Ursula Andress, she merely gave a cough and said, ‘Excuse me.’

No wonder feng shui expert Felix (Tristan Sturrock) silenced her imperiously, holding up a hand to her face while he bored DS Winter (Nick Hendrix) at a psychic fayre in Midsomer Murders (ITV).

As an opening line, ‘Excuse me,’ isn’t very quotable. Holly, who has waited 20 years and more for a cameo in her favourite show, doesn’t have to worry about fans shouting it out like a catchphrase in the street.

We had already glimpsed her across a crowded public hall, as Winter and his boss DCI Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon) visited the fayre. Holly was seated on a throne, wearing a pink-and-white frock and surrounded by admirers.

Holly Willoughby shared behind the scenes clips and images from her Midsomer Murders appearance 

As an opening line, ‘Excuse me,’ isn’t very quotable. Holly, who has waited 20 years and more for a cameo in her favourite show, doesn’t have to worry about fans shouting it out like a catchphrase in the street

Winter couldn’t quite believe his eyes. ‘Is that the queen of daytime?’ he marvelled.

‘Gloria Hunniford? Are you sure?’ scoffed Barnaby.

Midsomer is renowned for squeezing unlikely guests into the line-up of victims and suspects. Claire Bloom, Edward Fox, Donald Sinden and Sian Phillips are among the theatrical giants who have graced the series, as well as countless television heavyweights. Every episode is guaranteed to have a couple of stars who make us say, ‘Good lord – isn’t that..?’

This time, it was Colin Salmon, once a contender to be James Bond, and Benidorm’s delightful swinger Janine Duvitski.

Holly landed her role more than two years ago, when Dudgeon appeared on This Morning. ‘You’re going to have to kill me off really quickly,’ she warned, ‘because I’m terrible at acting.’ For the first hour or so, it looked as though that ‘excuse me’ might prove the limit of her ability with dialogue. But she popped up again, at Felix’s shoulder, as he explained to the detectives what he had in the back of his car.

‘Two beavers,’ said Holly, with such an innocent expression on her face that the line sounded quite saucy. ‘Nature’s feng shui experts.’

John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon), Holly Willoughby and DS Jamie Winter (Nick Hendrix) on set

John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon), Holly Willoughby and DS Jamie Winter (Nick Hendrix) on set 

Holly behind the scenes on the show. She landed her role more than two years ago, when Dudgeon appeared on This Morning. 'You're going to have to kill me off really quickly,' she warned, 'because I'm terrible at acting'

Holly behind the scenes on the show. She landed her role more than two years ago, when Dudgeon appeared on This Morning. ‘You’re going to have to kill me off really quickly,’ she warned, ‘because I’m terrible at acting’

She handed DS Winter a pebble, some sort of psychic aid for coping with grief (the poor chap had just lost his dear Grandpa Jimmy).

‘It brings emotional trauma to the surface to be healed and released,’ she said. Now that’s the kind of waffle she does every week on This Morning, and very convincing she sounded too.

Here’s an alarming thought, though. Suppose it had not been Holly who leapt at the chance of appearing on Midsomer but her colleague at the time, P***l*p Sc**f***d – he who cannot be named. ITV bosses might have had to scrap an entire episode.

For once, everyone connected with Midsomer Murders has dodged a bullet. That’s a first.
