‘Nothing ruins your weekend like finding out it’s only Wednesday’! National Parks Service become an unlikely social media hit with their wry memes

  • The NPS has created funny tweets with adorable animals for months 
  • The posts include facts about the animals and jokes or puns 
  • Social media users have loved all the post the agency has made 

The National Parks Service (NPS) has become a social media sensation for using wry memes to promote safety guidance to visitors. 

With a following of 1.2million on X (formerly Twitter), the NPS social media team use ‘dad jokes’ to dispense warnings about approaching wild animals and fun facts about different species – and they’ve become an unlikely hit.

In a post warning tourists to steer clear of bison on the roads, the NPS tells followers to ‘if you find yourself sharing the road with a bison… be patient and wait for them to make their way and only maneuver around them when safe for all’. Sound advice.

 The post goes on to jest: ‘Also, bison are notorious for selling extended warranties and rarely use a turn signal.’

There are currently more than 14,222 park rangers employed in the US. 

In 2022, the National Park Service  – which oversees federal parks, memorials and historic sites  – received 312 million recreation visits, up 15 million visits – 5 percent – from 2021.

In 2022, there were more than 13 million overnight stays. 

According to the National Parks Service, the Great Smoky Mountains – straddling Tennessee and North Carolina – is America’s most visited national park, with nearly 13 million visitors in 2022. This was fewer than the 14 million who visited the previous year, but it remained far more popular than the country’s other national parks. 

Grand Canyon was second most visited, with almost 5 million visitors. It was made a national park in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson and was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1979.

It was closely followed in visitor numbers by Zion, also made a national park in 1919 by President Wilson. 

Zion, in Utah, boasts stunning massive red pink and cream sandstone formations including the Kolob Arch, while parks like Yellowstone – also a favorite for visitors – has geysers including Old Faithful and hot springs and an array of wildlife 

Yellowstone National Park, established in 1872, saw a total of 3.29million visitors in 2022, down from 4.86million the previous year, according to Statisa. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk