Notorious Australian ISIS bride walks free from jail after two months – despite seven-year sentence 

Notorious Australian ISIS bride who fled to Syria as a fresh-faced teenager walks free from jail after two months – despite being handed a seven-year sentence

  • Zehra Duman joined ISIS as a teenager in 2014 and ordered murders on Twitter
  • She snuck into Turkey after the fall of ISIS but was immediately arrested 
  • A court jailed the mum of two for seven years for trying to recruit brides for ISIS 
  • But it’s now been revealed she was quietly released just two months later 

Melbourne ISIS bride Zehra Duman walked free from a Turkish jail just two months into a seven year jail sentence, it was revealed today. 

And the former teen Australian terror recruiter is now living a new life with her two children as a free woman in Turkey, according to an ABC investigation. 

Duman fled her family in Melbourne in 2014 at just 19 to sneak into Syria after being recruited to ISIS by Australian partyboy turned jihad extremist, Mahmoud Abdullatif.

Aged 19, Duman fled her family in Melbourne in 2014 to sneak into Syria after being recruited to ISIS by Australian partyboy turned jihad extremist, Mahmoud Abdullatif (pictured)

Melbourne ISIS bride Zehra Duman (left) walked free from Turkish jail just two months into a seven year jail sentence. Aged 19, Duman fled her family in Melbourne in 2014 to sneak into Syria after being recruited to ISIS by Australian partyboy turned jihad extremist, Mahmoud Abdullatif (right)

Last September Zehra Duman, now 26, was jailed by a Turkish court for recruiting brides to join ISIS and spruiking Islamic State propaganda on social media in messages like these pictured, said to have been written by Duman on Twitter

Last September Zehra Duman, now 26, was jailed by a Turkish court for recruiting brides to join ISIS and spruiking Islamic State propaganda on social media in messages like these pictured, said to have been written by Duman on Twitter

She later married him and allegedly masterminded an ISIS social media campaign ordering followers to murder Australians, Britons and Americans.

She became a key ISIS recruiter, posing with machine guns and on the bonnets of luxury cars stolen by the terrorists as she urged other Westerners to leave civilisation and join the Islamic regime. 

After Abdullatif’s death in a US air strike, she then married two more ISIS fighters in quick succession who each fathered a child with Duman before they too were killed.

Zehra Duman (pictured here as a young fresh-faced teenager) had dual Australian-Turkish citizenship through her family heritage

Zehra Duman (pictured here as a young fresh-faced teenager) had dual Australian-Turkish citizenship through her family heritage

Following the fall of ISIS in 2019, Duman was one of at least 65 Australian women and children among 70,000 refugees living in squalid conditions at a camp in north-eastern Syria near the Iraq border.

She and her family begged to be allowed back to Australia – but she was stripped of her citizenship by the government because she also had Turkish citizenship.

Duman was later smuggled over the border into Turkey where she was immediately arrested by authorities.

Following the fall of ISIS in 2019, Zehra Duman (believed to be seen here wearing the burka) was one of at least 65 Australian women and children among 70,000 refugees living in a camp in north-eastern Syria near the Iraq border

Following the fall of ISIS in 2019, Zehra Duman (believed to be seen here wearing the burka) was one of at least 65 Australian women and children among 70,000 refugees living in a camp in north-eastern Syria near the Iraq border

Last September Duman, now 26, was jailed by a Turkish court for recruiting brides to join ISIS and sharing Islamic State propaganda on social media.

She was jailed for six years and 10 months – but just two months later she re-appeared at another court in Gaziantep in southern Turkey where she was released.

Documents unearthed by the ABC reveal the court heard she was the only person who could care for her two children, Jarrah, five, and Layla, two.  

The new information reveals she was quietly released back onto the streets by the court in November and has been living at an undisclosed location ever since.

Following the fall of ISIS in 2019, Duman was one of at least 65 Australian women and children among 70,000 refugees living in squalid conditions at a camp in north-eastern Syria near the Iraq border

Following the fall of ISIS in 2019, Duman was one of at least 65 Australian women and children among 70,000 refugees living in squalid conditions at a camp in north-eastern Syria near the Iraq border

The papers revealed Duman told the court she was co-erced into the second and third marriages, and was even jailed as a spy by ISIS when she first tried to flee to Turkey after the death of her second husband.

 An Arab-Australian managed to get her out of the ISIS jail by marrying her and fathered her second child before he too was killed.

Duman insisted to the court that despite the social media posts in her name, she had only been living in ISIS-held areas – and had no formal role with the terror group.

The Turkish court took mercy on her and released her on parole. Her Melbourne family are believed to have relocated to Turkey to now be with her.
