Now China sends in the DRONES to warn Shanghai residents to ‘control the soul’s desire for freedom’

After the robot dogs, now China sends in the DRONES to warn Shanghai residents to ‘control the soul’s desire for freedom’ and not breach Covid restrictions

  • Shanghai has been under strict lockdown since a recent surge in Covid cases
  • Drones have been flying over Shanghai telling people to obey quaratine rules 
  • Residents’ve been singing from balconies in protest at being without essentials  
  • The drones tell fed up people ‘not to open the window or sing’
  • Residents are unable to go out for basic essentials and must rely on authorities
  • The drones come on the tails of robot dogs that patrol the streets telling residents to ‘wear a mask, wash your hands, check your temperature’ 

China is using drones flying above Shanghai apartment blocks to tell grumpy residents to ‘control the soul’s desire for freedom’ over harsh lockdown rules.

The move comes as residents banned from leaving their homes have reportedly taken to singing ‘why are you starving us?’ from their balconies in protest at the lack of food and water.

A clip shared by a senior correspondent for the Economist, Alice Su, from Chinese social media site Weibo, appeared to show a drone in the sky telling residents to stop singing.

Su wrote: ‘Shanghai residents go to their balconies to sing and protest lack of supplies. A drone appears: ‘Please comply with Covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing.’

Other technology Chinese authorities are using to reinforce their message are robot dogs with loud speakers that repeat a handful of simple messages: ‘Wear a mask, wash your hands, check your temperature.’

According to local news site The Paper, they’re already having the desired effect as locals feel they can’t disobey the dogs’ diktats. 

A drone that appears over the apartment blocks of Shanghai neighbourhoods telling residents: ‘Please comply with Covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing.’

Residents are confiend to their apartments without exception in Shanghai as the metropolis attempts to enact a zero Covid policy. Above: A resident sits on the roof of his apartment in Shanghai

Residents are confiend to their apartments without exception in Shanghai as the metropolis attempts to enact a zero Covid policy. Above: A resident sits on the roof of his apartment in Shanghai

The robo dog is surprisingly agile and capable of quick movement despite its heavy cargo

The robo dog is surprisingly agile and capable of quick movement despite its heavy cargo

The four-legged friend roam the streets to give public safety advice as Shanghai locks down

The four-legged friend roam the streets to give public safety advice as Shanghai locks down

The dystopian scene comes as Chinese authorities impose a draconion lockdown on the country’s most populous city in an effort to enforce their ‘zero Covid’ policy. 

The 26 million people living in Shanghai are now forbidden from leaving their houses, with locked up residents entirely dependent on local authorities to deliver essential supplies. 

And social media is full of angry residents complaining that they can’t order food because the delivery system is clogged up. 

Under strict lockdown conditions, Shanghai residents are subject to constant testing for the virus. Above: A man is tested by a hazmat-suited Covid tester

Under strict lockdown conditions, Shanghai residents are subject to constant testing for the virus. Above: A man is tested by a hazmat-suited Covid tester

Above: Workers in personal protective equipment work to load up a truck with food supplies and necessities for local residents during the Covid-19 lockdown. The biggest source of grumbling for most residents is the lack of essentials that they have to put up with

Above: Workers in personal protective equipment work to load up a truck with food supplies and necessities for local residents during the Covid-19 lockdown. The biggest source of grumbling for most residents is the lack of essentials that they have to put up with

Authorities have ordered the whole city to lockdown when previously there had been separate measures for the eastern and western sides.

The harsh rearguard action against Covid comes at a time when western societies are relaxing all restrictions completely. 

While the West lets Omicron wash through a largely vaccinated population, China has been trying to stamp it out completely since an outbreak of 30,000 cases in March in Shanghai.  
