Now that’s a mutt-stache! Springer spaniel turns heads

A springer spaniel is turning heads thanks to a thick brown moustache that even actor Tom Selleck would be jealous of.

Three-year-old Rufus would born with a thick line of dark fur which sits perfectly along his top lip to give him an impressive moustache. 

His facial hair is so glorious it reminds his owner Susanna Jessup, 30, of Vikings star Clive Standen when his character Rollo becomes a French nobleman. 

When Susanna and her 31-year-old husband David Jessup first brought Rufus home with them to Greenhithe, Kent, they worried his unusual look might mean strangers would see him as a ‘joke dog’.

Rufus, the three-year-old springer spaniel, was born with a thick line of dark fur which makes it look like he has a moustache 

The dog has been compared to US actor Tom Selleck because of his dark moustache 

The dog has been compared to US actor Tom Selleck because of his dark moustache 

But Rufus’ appearance has only ever received positive comments and now the pooch even has an Instagram account that celebrates his famous fur.

Mrs Jessup, an artist and part-time computer trainer, said: ‘Rufus has had his moustache ever since he was born.

‘I remember when we went to see the puppies, all of them came running over except for Rufus. 

‘He was just a big lump fast asleep in the corner with this comedy moustache.

‘At first we worried that if we got him everyone would just see him as a joke dog but then the lady told us he was the last one left and we felt really drawn to him. 

‘We thought he’d be the first to go. We’ve completely fallen in love with him and his moustache. He could have the weirdest colouring and we’d still love him.

‘People always tell us we are so lucky to have got a dog with a moustache and wherever we go people comment on how lovely he is.

‘Everyone asks if we named his after Rufus Hound because of the moustache but Dave has just always loved the name Rufus and I like Rufus Wainwright.

‘When Rufus first meets people they don’t always notice his moustache because it’s not as obvious when he’s got his mouth open but I always point it out and they think it’s amazing.

Owner Susanna Jessup, 30, (pictured) said her dog’s fur reminds her of Vikings star Clive Standen

At first his owners thought people would see him as a 'joke dog' but he is now turning heads for the right reasons 

At first his owners thought people would see him as a ‘joke dog’ but he is now turning heads for the right reasons 

‘His moustache is so clear in photos so his Instagram followers love it. And when he’s been swimming and his hair is darker it’s even more prominent.

‘When Rufus has his ears trimmed and he’s all neat and tidy, I always think his moustache makes him look like French nobility. It’s hilarious.

‘I always think he looks just like Rollo from Vikings when he goes to France – his ears and moustache are even the same colour.

‘He really does make us laugh, especially when he’s eating and he gets little bits of food stuck in his moustache, it’s so funny.’ 

Rufus’ favourite activities include going swimming, jumping in puddles, running under the sheets while his mum tries to make the bed and going on long walks, which he does three times a day.

Mrs Jessup said that she thinks her dog's unusual facial hair make him look like 'French nobility' 

Mrs Jessup said that she thinks her dog’s unusual facial hair make him look like ‘French nobility’ 

People stop in the street to admire the dog’s spectacular moustache when they meet him

Susanna said: ‘We’ve never experienced a dog like Rufus before, he is the loveliest and cuddliest dog.

‘That’s what has stopped us from getting another one because we don’t think we will ever get another dog like him.

‘He is so playful. He loves swimming and puddles and running after a ball. Changing the bed covers is a challenge because Rufus runs under then and you can just see his tail whipping up and down.

‘He’s very energetic so he gets three walks a day. We are very fortunate to have some beautiful walks nearby.

‘You make a pact when you get a dog. Springer spaniels are a breed that would be used to going out all day so they need to be walked.

‘Rufus also loves cuddles of course. Naptime with his dad in the mornings is one of his favourite things.’