NSW MP caught up in text scandal denies allegations

A New South Wales MP at the centre of a sexting scandal involving a Minister and an ex-girlfriend has denied the ‘allegations’ against her.

Minister Matt Kean, 36, was embroiled in a sex scandal after his furious ex-girlfriend Caitlin Keage, 30, exposed text messages to Eleni Petinos telling her ‘I need to f*** you.’

Ms Petinos, 30, revealed her distress about being dragged into the sorry mess on Friday night.

‘I am saddened that I have been drawn into this relationship breakdown,’ she told the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader.

‘I deny the allegations.’

Ms Petinos texted Mr Kean: ‘Just got your Christmas card you’re absolutely gorgeous – love you xx’ 

‘It pains me to be making a statement about matters which are outside the scope of my work and are entirely personal.’ 

Ms Petinos confirmed in a statement to the Daily Mail she was referring to the allegations made by Ms Keage.    

Ms Keage, the now ex-girlfriend of NSW Innovation Minister Matt Kean,  on Thursday night shared copies of texts he sent to Ms Petinos.

The Innovation Minister's furious ex-girlfriend Caitlin Keage (pictured together) posted copies of the texts on her private Instagram account on Thursday night

A mock-up of the texts with Mr Kean in blue and Ms Petinos in grey

The Innovation Minister’s furious ex-girlfriend Caitlin Keage (pictured together left) posted copies of the texts (mock up right) on her private Instagram account on Thursday night

‘When your boyfriend cheats on you when you’re away with family,’ Caitlin Keage, a media adviser to Malcolm Turnbull, captioned the Instagram post.

‘I was in Adelaide trusting my partner not to play up. But alas, here we are. Another minister getting away with his predatory behaviour,’ Ms Keage said.

The messages revealed Mr Kean told Ms Petinos he was ‘tempted to drive down to see’ her, just after 10pm on December 27.

She replied: ‘Miss me huh? lol,’ before he said: ‘Yup. Really need to f**k you.’

The messages were sent to member for Miranda, Eleni Petinos (pictured), who has not yet spoken of the scandal 

The messages were sent to member for Miranda, Eleni Petinos (pictured), who has not yet spoken of the scandal 

Ms Petinos said he already had ‘CK for that’ and when he asked, ‘is that a no?’ she replied: ‘It’s that time of the month’. 

Mr Kean said: ‘OK come up later x.’

She later texted Mr Kean and said: ‘Just got your Christmas card you’re absolutely gorgeous – love you xx’.  

The NSW minister acknowledged his relationship with Ms Keage was over in a short statement on Thursday night.

Liberal MP Matt Kean (pictured) has acknowledged his relationship with Ms Keage is over

Liberal MP Matt Kean (pictured) has acknowledged his relationship with Ms Keage is over

‘I am deeply sorry my relationship with Caitlin ended in such a spectacular and sad fashion. I wish her all the best,’ he said.

Mr Kean appeared to delete his Facebook and Twitter accounts on Friday morning.  

'I was in Adelaide trusting my partner not to play up,' Ms Keage captioned the Instagram post, which has since been deleted 

‘I was in Adelaide trusting my partner not to play up,’ Ms Keage captioned the Instagram post, which has since been deleted 

The minister’s boss, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, said she would not be sacking him over the scandal.

Ms Berejiklian is in Washington for the US National Governors’ Association meeting, alongside Ms Keage’s boss, Mr Turnbull.

‘What I’ve read this morning is extremely disappointing,’ the premier said on Friday.

‘I’m personally disappointed in him and have told him so, but it is nonetheless a personal matter.’

Ms Keage and Mr Kean’s abrupt relationship breakdown was described by Liberal minister Christopher Pyne as ‘very sad’.

‘I know the people involved, they’re both friends of mine and it’s obviously very upsetting for them all to be involved in this story,’ Mr Pyne told the Nine Network. 

In 2015, another of Mr Kean's (left) girlfriend accused him of being in a relationship with Ms Keage (right)

In 2015, another of Mr Kean’s (left) girlfriend accused him of being in a relationship with Ms Keage (right)

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (pictrued right with Ms Petinos) said she would not be sacking Mr Kean over the scandal

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (pictrued right with Ms Petinos) said she would not be sacking Mr Kean over the scandal

The messages revealed Mr Kean told Ms Petinos (pictured) he was 'tempted to drive down to see you' just after 10pm on 27 December

The messages revealed Mr Kean told Ms Petinos (pictured) he was ‘tempted to drive down to see you’ just after 10pm on 27 December

‘It’s got nothing to do with the prime minister’s office, but it’s obviously a personal matter and very sad.’ 

Mr Kean’s relationship with Ms Keage is understood to have been on-and-off, and photos of the minister have appeared on the dating app, Bumble, Fairfax reported. 

Former partners Matt Kean and Caitlin Keage are pictured on the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2016

Former partners Matt Kean and Caitlin Keage are pictured on the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2016

Ms Petinos told Mr Kean 'It's that time of the month' when her propositioned her. She his pictured with Treasurer, Scott Morrison 

Ms Petinos told Mr Kean ‘It’s that time of the month’ when her propositioned her. She his pictured with Treasurer, Scott Morrison 

A Liberal minister is embroiled in a new sexting scandal after going behind his girlfriend's back and telling fellow MP 'I need to f*** you.'

Mr Kean's relationship with Ms Keage (pictured) is understood to have been on-and-off

Mr Kean’s relationship with Ms Keage (pictured right) is understood to have been on-and-off

Ms Petinos made headlines last year after vomiting in the back of a government car after a State of Origin game in Sydney.   

A senior liberal source questioned Ms Petinos’ maturity to serve the Miranda community and suggested she may be challenged for pre-selection by Sutherland Shire Councillor Kent Johns. 

‘Getting drunk at the State of Origin and throwing up in the Deputy Premier’s car wasn’t a good look,’ the source said.

‘Getting it on with the Minister when his girlfriend is away reinforces this position.’  

The latest scandal comes after Sunrise host Samantha Armytage claimed that if every Minister was sacked in relation to sexual conduct there would be none left because ‘they’re all screwing everybody’ in Canberra.  

Speaking about her experience reporting in parliament, she said: ‘There’s a lot of rooting around – in the press gallery and by politicians.  

Mr Kean told Ms Petinos (pictured) he was 'tempted to drive down to see you' just after 10pm on 27 December

Mr Kean told Ms Petinos (left) he was ‘tempted to drive down to see you’. Photos of the minister (right) have reportedly appeared on the dating app, Bumble

Mr Kean is pictured with his boss, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian

Mr Kean is pictured with his boss, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian

‘There’s a lot of bad behaviour, it’s a naughty spot. 

‘When Canberra is on it can be very boring, but when it’s ON – it’s the place to be,’ she told the Daily Telegraph’s Miranda Live radio show.

She was asked if Baranby Joyce, 50, should resign after his affair with former staffer Vikki Campion, 33, became public.

‘Does it matter [the affair]? Because they’re all screwing everybody down there,’ she said.  

Ms Petinos, who is at the centre of a new sexting scandal, is pictured promoting a suicide prevention charity

Ms Petinos, who is at the centre of a new sexting scandal, is pictured promoting a suicide prevention charity

Ms Petinos (pictrued) said he already had 'CK for that' after Mr Kean said: 'I need to f*** you'

Ms Petinos (pictrued) said he already had ‘CK for that’ after Mr Kean said: ‘I need to f*** you’

Deputy Prime minister Barnaby Joyce

Samantha Armytage

The latest scandal comes after Samantha Armytage (right) claimed that if every male politician who had an affair was asked to resign there would be none left because ‘they’re all screwing everybody’ in Canberra. Left, Barnaby Joyce, who had an affair with his former staffer 

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