NSW records just three new cases of COVID-19 overnight 

Visitors to a popular shopping centre are urged to monitor for coronavirus symptoms as NSW records just three new cases of COVID-19 overnight

  • New South Wales has recorded just three new coronavirus cases on Tuesday
  • One of the cases has been linked to the funeral cluster in South Western Sydney 
  • Another was a returned traveller in hotel quarantine, one is under investigation

Residents are being urged to remain vigilant as New South Wales records just three new COVID-19 cases overnight. 

Of the new cases announced on Tuesday, one has been linked to the funeral cluster in South Western Sydney, while one was a returned traveller in hotel quarantine.

One is of the cases remains a mystery and is still under investigation. 

Health authorities issued a grim warning that COVID-19 could be circulating in the community, undetected as there have been 16 cases in the past four weeks which were not linked to any clusters.

‘It is vital to maintain high rates of testing at this critical time, in order to find the source of these cases still under investigation,’ NSW health said. 

‘Anyone with even the mildest of symptoms – including runny nose, sore throat, cough, or loss of taste and smell – to come forward for testing as the best way to protect their family, friends and wider community.’

Areas on high alert include South Western Sydney, Western Sydney and Sydney east, including Surry Hills, Darlinghurst, Woolloomooloo, Potts Point, Rushcutters Bay, Elizabeth Bay and Centennial Park.

Customers who visited Bankstown Central Shopping Centre on Saturday, August 8 have been urged to get tested for the deadly virus after an infected shopper visited the area between 10am and 3pm. 

An infected shopper also visited the Sydney Market in Flemington on Sunday, August  9, between 8am and 4pm.

Anyone who attended either venue during those times are considered casual contacts. Health authorities have asked people monitor for symptoms and immediately get tested and isolate if symptoms occur.

More to come 

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