NYC teacher was 17-year-old girl’s sugar daddy

Martin Howfield, 56 (pictured), a high school Spanish teacher from Queens, New York, became a 17-year-old student’s ‘sugar’ daddy – showering her with gifts in exchange for sex

A New York City high school teacher became a 17-year-old student’s ‘sugar’ daddy – showering her with gifts in exchange for sex.

Authorities say that Martin Howfield, 56, who taught Spanish at North Queens Community High School in Flushing gave the 17-year-old girl a paid internship funded by the city Department of Education through a ‘Learning to Work’ program. 

But her only duties consisted of performing sexual favors. Records show he paid her $2,000 for the no-show job, which was funded through a federal program using taxpayer money, reported The New York Post.

According to the Special Commissioner of Investigation (SCI), Howfield and the student were having a private conversation at the ‘transfer school’, a high school designed to re-engage students who have dropped out or who have fallen behind in credits.

Howfield allegedly asked the student ‘whether he could be her sugar daddy’, according to a report.

He agreed to pay her $300 a month, and ‘asked what she would do for the money’. The student told investigators that she offered to have sex with Howfield.

Howfield (pictured) gave the 17-year-old girl a paid internship funded by the city Department of Education through a 'Learning to Work' program, paying her $2,000 for the no-show job, which was funded through a federal program using taxpayer money

Howfield (pictured) gave the 17-year-old girl a paid internship funded by the city Department of Education through a ‘Learning to Work’ program, paying her $2,000 for the no-show job, which was funded through a federal program using taxpayer money

The student told investigators that she and Howfield (pictured) would meet outside a McDonald's in Jamaica, Queens, and walk to a mall. On separate trips he bought her: $150 Jordan sneakers at a Kids Foot Locker, $190 Jordan sneakers, and $27 for five panties from Victoria's Secret

The student told investigators that she and Howfield (pictured) would meet outside a McDonald’s in Jamaica, Queens, and walk to a mall. On separate trips he bought her: $150 Jordan sneakers at a Kids Foot Locker, $190 Jordan sneakers, and $27 for five panties from Victoria’s Secret

The report says that the teacher then asked her to send him ‘nude photos of her vagina, breasts and buttocks’, which she did.

The student told investigators that she and Howfield would meet outside a McDonald’s in Jamaica, Queens, and walk to a mall. On separate trips he bought her: $150 Jordan sneakers at a Kids Foot Locker, $190 Jordan sneakers, and $27 for five panties from Victoria’s Secret.

At first, the girl told authorities that Howfield only fondled her beneath her clothing, but later admitted she had intercourse and oral sex with the teacher in his car after shopping. He then gave her $20 for cab fare home. 

The student’s mother told a detective that her daughter once texted that she went to the mall with her ‘sugar daddy, Marty’. The girl also told her mom that ‘Marty’ was her teacher, and that she took part in a work-study program at his law firm.

But she told investigators ‘she never worked there’.

She said Howfield instructed her on how to fill out time sheets, which he signed, stating she worked at ‘The Law Office of Martin Howfield’.

According to Avvo, an online directory of practicing lawyers, Howfield is a still a licensed attorney in the state of New York. The website also states that the site has ‘not found any instances of professional misconduct for this lawyer’.

The Department of Education said Howfield quit his $85,793-a-year job at North Queens Community High School (pictured) in November 2016, shortly after the SCI completed its probe

The Department of Education said Howfield quit his $85,793-a-year job at North Queens Community High School (pictured) in November 2016, shortly after the SCI completed its probe

At first, the girl told authorities that Howfield (pictured) only fondled her beneath her clothing, but later admitted she had intercourse and oral sex with the teacher in his car after shopping. He then gave her $20 for cab fare home

At first, the girl told authorities that Howfield (pictured) only fondled her beneath her clothing, but later admitted she had intercourse and oral sex with the teacher in his car after shopping. He then gave her $20 for cab fare home

Authorities claim Howfield wanted to include other girls in his scheme. He allegedly asked the initial girl to introduce him to other teens. One former student said he had phone sex with her and sent her a photo of his genitals.

That student said he promised to pay her for the explicit conversation, which allegedly included references to child pornography, but ultimately never gave her any money.

The Department of Education said Howfield quit his $85,793-a-year job in November 2016, shortly after the SCI completed its probe but it is not clear whether or not he has been charged with a crime yet.