NZ teacher struck off for showing students orgasm video

A female teacher at a boy’s school has been struck off after playing her science class a video titled ’10 things you didn’t know about orgasms’.

Dawn Patricia Ganaha was employed at Southland Boys’ High School from 2012 until resigning in April 2016 following a series of incidents, including showing Year 9s the video about pleasuring women. 

In the video ’10 things you didn’t know about orgasm’ – a TED Talk by science writer Mary Roach –  examples of how different women can climax are explored and how.

Dawn Patricia Ganaha was employed at Southland Boys’ High School (pictured) from 2012 – 2016 

Ganaha, who works as a postal sorter, told the NZ Herald that she accepted that it was incorrect to have shown the boys the video about the female orgasm.

‘For me it was just interesting, it was just something interesting because kids get so bored with learning about the basic stuff that they do, and all I wanted to do was make it interesting,’ she said.

Questions of her ability to maintain professional boundaries had initially been raised when she took a student home without staff or his parent’s consent, swore at a pupil, hit another and and texted one of her class.

Gahana said she had a made a number of errors in judgement and accepted she would not teach again, but said her actions were intended to help the pupils.

‘I didn’t do anything improper, but it looked improper,’ she told the NZ Herald. 

Students were studying space and telescopes when the orgasms video was shown in April 2015, with several saying they were shocked and made to feel uncomfortable.

‘I just thought it didn’t relate to anything we were doing. We thought it was a bit odd,’ one student said.  

The female teacher at a boy's school has been struck from the teacher's record

The female teacher at a boy’s school has been struck from the teacher’s record

Gahana later received a warning from the school rector in March 15 2016 after a boy was discovered to have visited her home without permission from the school or his parents. 

A teacher had found the student’s scooter outside her home. Initially Ganaha claimed the scooter as her own but later admitted it was the boy’s.

Previously concerns had been raised when in July 2015 she was found to be taking photos of boys at a cultural assembly then texting the boys ‘ back and fourth’ from her phone.

Gahana received a verbal warning by the Rector following the offence. 

The final straw came on March 22 last year when the class was working on dissection and a smell was apparent in the classroom.

Some students waited outside where the became disruptive and began throwing food. 

Gahana played the questionable video '10 things you didn't know about orgasm' - a TED Talk by science writer Mary Roach (pictured) 

Gahana played the questionable video ’10 things you didn’t know about orgasm’ – a TED Talk by science writer Mary Roach (pictured) 

Ganaha told the boys to come back, but two refused, replying: ‘I’m not going in there, it f***ing stinks.’

‘Ms Ganaha told them to go and stand by the open window while the others cleaned up and they stood in front of the door and refused,’ the tribunal said.

‘Ms Ganaha then said, ‘For fu… goodness sake,’ pulling herself up before she swore.

‘One of the boys said, ‘You swore Miss, you said for f—s sake. The other boy was laughing at the situation.

‘In frustration, Ms Ganaha flicked the student on the upper arm with the back of her fingers whilst saying, ‘It’s not funny, just go into the classroom.”

In a response to the incident she said she exchange occurred due to her ‘lack of judgement’, ‘lack of control of one specific group of students and frustration at the situation,’ the findings stated.

 Ganaha resigned in April 2016 after multiple incidents and is now a postal sorter

 Ganaha resigned in April 2016 after multiple incidents and is now a postal sorter

She said the boy who came to her home was there as a babysitter on one occasion and the one other instance was for a tutorial his parents were aware of. 

She just wanted to help the students, she said.  

‘I got overly involved. What I did looked more suspicious than it was. I didn’t do anything improper but it looked improper.

‘They were stupid mistakes and I regret them and I just really want to get on with my life.’

Southland Boys High School did not respond immediately to calls seeking comment. 

Calls to Dawn Ganaha were not returned.