Off-duty FBI agent Chase Bishop charged after backflip shooting

An off-duty FBI agent who accidentally fired a weapon that fell while he was dancing at a Denver club, wounding another patron in the leg, has been charged with second degree assault. 

Chase Bishop, 29, turned himself into the Denver Sheriff’s Department on Tuesday and was formally charged later that afternoon over the incident on June 2. 

Bishop was at the Mile High Spirits Tasting Room in Denver when the gun fell from the agent’s waistband holster onto the floor. The firearm went off when the agent picked it up injuring Thomas Reddington, 24.

Bishop is pictured in an undated social media photo

Chase Bishop, 29, turned himself into the Denver Sheriff’s Department on Tuesday. He is pictured in a police mug shot and in an undated social media photo

Reddington, who is now recovering at home from his gunshot wound, told Good Morning America that he had watched the footage a number of times and was still confused by how it managed to occur. 

‘We sat down at one of those picnic tables, I heard a loud bang and I thought some idiot set off a firecracker,’ he said in his first interview. 

‘Then I looked down at my leg and see some brown residue. I’m still thinking it’s a firework… all of a sudden from the knee down my leg became completely red. 

‘And that’s when it clicked in my head, ‘Oh, I’ve been shot’.

‘I like stand up and like start walking in a little circle saying, ‘Hey, I think I’ve been shot. Can someone call 911?’.’

The bullet struck Reddington just below his left knee and tore through his leg. 

Bishop was dancing at the Mile High Spirits Tasting Room in Denver on June 2 when the gun fell from the agent's waistband holster onto the floor and went off

At the time Bishop appeared unconcerned by what had happened

Bishop was dancing at the Mile High Spirits Tasting Room in Denver on June 2 when the gun fell from the agent’s waistband holster onto the floor and went off (left). At the time Bishop appeared unconcerned by what had happened (right) 

He said he blacked out and woke to find someone using a belt to put a tourniquet on his leg to stop the bleeding.

Reddington, who has hired a lawyer, said he lost a lot of blood and that he ‘soaked through several blankets, several towels, a few gauze pads’. 

He said he just wanted a private conversation with the agent to clear the air. 

‘I don’t blame the guy. I don’t want to ruin his life. I just want a private phone call from this guy,’ he said.

‘I just want to heal… I just want to be able to walk.’ 

Bishop pictured in undated social media profiles. He is now being held in jail during the investigation

Bishop in an undated social media photo

Bishop pictured in undated social media profiles. He has now been charged with second degree assault

Reddington, who has hired a lawyer, said he lost a lot of blood and that he 'soaked through several blankets, several towels, a few gauze pads'. He is seen during an interview on ABC News 

Reddington, who has hired a lawyer, said he lost a lot of blood and that he ‘soaked through several blankets, several towels, a few gauze pads’. He is seen during an interview on ABC News