Office worker claims she was sent to HR after finding out her colleague gave her twins matching names – with a subtle difference

  • The individual detailed their workplace fiasco in a lengthy post on Reddit

When it comes to cracking a joke at work, many people prefer to sacrifice a witty remark for fear that it could get them in trouble. 

While a good sense of humour is seen as an important personality trait, nobody wants to be the talk of their office if their remarks get them called into a dreaded meeting with their HR department. 

Unfortunately for one individual, this was the fate they incurred for laughing at a colleague who gave their twins variations of the same name. 

Taking to Reddit, the user said that after posting to the site about the ordeal, they were summoned to HR – and have since deleted the post on the platform. 

Recounting how the incident initially occurred, they wrote: ‘{My colleague] made her first appearance in the office with her new babies to introduce them to our team. 

While it might seem a reasonable act to question why someone would give their two twins the same name – not least if said name was the same as their surname – doing so did not go down well for one individual (File image)

‘When asked what she had named the boys (as up until this appearance she was undecided) she told me that she was naming them ”Sean”. 

‘When I asked about the other baby, she said ”no, they are both Sean, one with an ”A” and one with an ”E” so Sean and Seen. This co-worker’s last name is also ‘Sean’. When I pointed this out she said ”yes, like Tom Tom or Jay Jay”’. 

While it might seem a reasonable act to question why someone would give their two twins the same name – not least if said name was the same as their surname – doing so did not go down well for the individual. 

After describing it as ‘the most idiotic thing [they have] heard’ the individual began receiving messages from other colleagues saying they should not pass judgement. 

While the person was summoned to a meeting by their HR department, their actions did not prove to be fruitless as the husband of the colleague who received the comment came across their Reddit post and admitted it prompted them to change their children’s names. 

Continuing the Reddit tale, the original poster added: ‘They had a good chuckle and ended up agreeing with the replies the naming process wasn’t ideal, and maybe the overwhelming process of having two newborns left them too tired to think straight

‘Despite the fact they had already sent off the paperwork to the birth deaths and marriages office (the place you lodge births for in Australia), they called up the Brisbane office and the paperwork had only been provisionally processed, and they have used this time to reassess. 

‘They have withdrawn the paperwork (for Seen only) and will think of a new name, but they are keeping Sean Sean as they like it. I have also been reported to HR for making this Reddit post (not by the parents, they think it’s hilarious) so well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. 

While the person was summoned to a meeting by their HR department, their actions did not prove to be fruitless as the husband of the colleague who received the comment came across their Reddit post (File image)

While the person was summoned to a meeting by their HR department, their actions did not prove to be fruitless as the husband of the colleague who received the comment came across their Reddit post (File image)

‘They also want everyone to know that ”calling her an idiot isn’t the worst thing I’ve said to her this year”’. 

The person added that their meeting with HR was ‘underwhelming’, as they were asked ‘to be more considerate of co-worker’s feelings’ and to ‘not put this meeting all over the internet’. 

Taking to the comments section, other users were in agreement that there was no reason for them to feel guilty about their comment, as they said: 

‘Sean isn’t a stupid name, but Seen is. I don’t care if you were rude. It’s better for the mum to have the rude awakening before her children are born rather then after.’ 

‘My friend literally named her kid Beetle. So yeah. People are dumb.’

‘I’m an identical twin. Matching names is probably the cruelest thing you could do to a person. It’s not just confusing. It would keep the twins from developing identities outside their twin-ness.’

‘The best piece of advice I got with respect to my twins was ”the world will focus on their twin-ness, your job is to nourish their individuality.”’ 
