Oh flip! Crêpes are falling out of favour as France’s favourite pudding with youngsters increasingly turning to American-style brownies and cookies, study finds

  • 18-24-year-olds have turned their back on traditional deserts

Crêpes are fast falling out of favour with France’s youngsters who prefer an Amercian-style brownie or cookie over the famous flat desert. 

People aged 18-24 no longer reach for the more traditional fruit tarts, clafoutis or rum baba, preferring US deserts instead according to research by CSA.

And it’s not just American-style deserts that the French prefer.

According to Olivier Rego, director general of Popeyes France, the country is now the second biggest fast-food market after the US.

While crêpes still came out on top in eight out of 12 of France’s regions, the enduring appetite for pancakes has been put down to affordability at a time of high inflation according to CSA’s Caroline Wilz.

The traditional crêpes Suzette is no longer the favourite desert among youngsters in France according to a new study

The pancake has been overtaken by Amercian-style deserts such as brownies and cookies

The pancake has been overtaken by Amercian-style deserts such as brownies and cookies 

French youngers are now more likely to choose bronies over traditional deserts

French tarts and clafoutis are more popular with over 50s

Although crêpes still top the list in 8 out of 12 of France’s regions, their enduring place in French households has been put down to their affordability at a time of high inflation

Fruit tarts were France’s second-favourite desert with brownies coming in third place.

But in regions including the northern Hauts-de-France and the Centre-Val de Loire, brownies topped the list as the favourite desert according to The Times.

France’s taste in crêpes has also changed with most people preferring to top them with jam or chocolate spread rather than go for the more traditional crêpes Suzette.

France’s love of chocolate spread was made clear in 2018, when riots broke out in supermarkets across the country as discounts of 70 per cent were offered on jars of Nutella. 

The traditional French pancake, according to legend, dates back to the 13th century when a housewife from Brittany spilt porridge onto a flat cooking top.

Originally a savory snack, the sweetened version with sugar, chocolate spread or jam is a much more recent addition to the pancake tradition. 

And crêpes Suzette was made famous after the pancake, topped with a mixture of Cointreau, Grand Marnier, brandy and an orange butter sauce, was served to Suzette, a friend of King Edward VII at the Café de Paris in Monte Carlo.

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