Oklahoma police officer calmly saves a choking boy in dramatic video

  • Oklahoma police officer is being hailed a hero after helping to save a boy’s life 
  • Dramatic rescue was captured on camera when the deputy helped choking boy
  • Cop with the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office was flagged down by a mom
  • County Sheriff’s Deputy William Wheeler managed to slap the boy’s back firmly so that a quarter came out of his throat ensuring the boy could breathe again

An Oklahoma police officer saved a boy from choking and it was all caught on camera.

In video that was released by Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office, County Sheriff’s Deputy William Wheeler’s body cam shows him racing to to assist the young child, named Chaz, who is attempting to cough up whatever object he swallowed.

‘It’s still in there and I don’t know how!’ exclaims the Chaz’s panicked mom, Victoria Terrill, who was trying to help her son in the incident earlier this month.

An Oklahoma police officer is being hailed a hero after helping to save a little boy’s life

Chaz was choking on a quarter which he managed to cough up after being slapped on the back

Chaz was choking on a quarter which he managed to cough up after being slapped on the back

Deputy William Wheeler managed to slap the boy's back firmly so that a quarter came out of his throat ensuring the boy could breathe

Deputy William Wheeler managed to slap the boy’s back firmly so that a quarter came out of his throat ensuring the boy could breathe

Wheeler radio’s for backup to further assist the young man as the youngster is seen throwing up onto the concrete.

‘Is it out of your throat baby?’ the concerned mother asks. But Chaz is unable to respond while his airway is still blocked.

The cop remains cool as he calmly instructs the little boy to bend over and begins to slap him firmly on the back. 

‘What did he swallow?’ the officer Wheeler asks.

‘It was just a sucker,’ says Terrill.

Then, the sound of metal is heard on the floor as a quarter pops out of the boy’s mouth. 

Somehow, he had managed to swallow a coin by accident.

Mom Victoria Terrill was lucky to have flagged down Deputy Wheeler when she did at a car wash in the town of Tecumseh, located about 41 miles southeast of Oklahoma City

Mom Victoria Terrill was lucky to have flagged down Deputy Wheeler when she did at a car wash in the town of Tecumseh, located about 41 miles southeast of Oklahoma City

The little boy was throwing up in the moments before the quarter finally came out

The little boy was throwing up in the moments before the quarter finally came out

The youngster starts to cry after the shock of the entire ordeal but both the mom and officer are reassured by the fact that he can finally breathe properly.  

Deputy Wheeler was flagged down by the mom at a car wash in the town of Tecumseh, located about 41 miles southeast of Oklahoma City.

‘He’s our guardian angel,’ Terrill told The Shawnee News-Star. ‘I couldn’t get the quarter out and I looked up and the deputy drove by. I yelled for him and he pulled over and he went to work and saved Chaz.’ 


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