Older dogs for adoption this Christmas

With their soulful eyes and shiny coats, you’d think these rescue dogs would be just one wag of a tail away from finding their forever homes. But these cute pooches have been passed over time and time again.

Why? Because they’re all ‘oldies’. RSPCA figures show that while puppies stay in UK sanctuaries for barely a fortnight, those over seven years old can languish for many months.

It’s heart-breaking both for the dogs, and those who look after them. Olive Armstrong, regional co-ordinator of The Oldies Club, a specialist website set up to re-home Britain’s elderly dogs, says: ‘We may have less time with them, but they tend to be house-trained, easier to deal with and you know their character — if they’re good with children or other dogs.’

Thinking you’ll end up spending a fortune on vet bills is also wrong, says RSPCA dog welfare expert Dr Samantha Gaines.

‘There’s often an assumption that older dogs will will have health problems,’ she says. ‘But that isn’t always the case. Every dog is an individual.’

The Daily Mail urges you to consider opening your home to an older pet. Here are just a few of the adorable oldies desperately in need of a cosy sofa and some love and affection this festive season.

But just remember, like puppies, an older dog, too, is for life — and not just for Christmas.

We’re besties who comes as a pair  

While lurcher-cross Sacha is healthy, terrier-cross Toby (pictured) has got trapped nerves in his spine and bad hips so he needs painkillers constantly.

Sacha (left) and Toby (right) have been passed over by prospective owners because of their age 

Sacha, 13, and Toby, 12, have been at the Last Chance Animal Rescue since September, when their owner died .

‘We’ve had a lot of interest in them but as soon as people find out their age they don’t want them,’ says Rebecca Barker, assistant manager at Last Chance, in Edenbridge, Kent.

‘It’s obvious they love each other and we really don’t want to split them up.’

While lurcher-cross Sacha (left) is healthy, terrier-cross Toby has got trapped nerves in his spine and bad hips so he needs painkillers constantly.

‘They’re such sweet dogs with lovely temperaments,’ says Rebecca. ‘Sacha’s like a big puppy, leaping around for her mad five minutes. Toby loves going out, too, but only for half an hour at most.

‘They just want love and cuddles on the sofa.’

Call 01732 865530.

Adopt Einstein… it’s a genius idea 

Poor Albert was found wandering the streets of Leicester at the ripe-old age of 9 (that's 63 in dog years...) 

Poor Albert was found wandering the streets of Leicester at the ripe-old age of 9 (that’s 63 in dog years…) 

Albert Einstein, 9, was abandoned by his owners and found on the streets. Leicester Animal Aid’s Vicky Whitehill says: ‘He’s now in fine fettle — a lovely dog. 

‘He’ll make a fantastic companion. He doesn’t need loads of walks, he’ll happily just potter.’ Call 01455 888257.

Inseparable shih tzus  

Tilly and Tink the shih tzus were in a sorry state when they were discovered. They love nothing more than playing together 

Tilly and Tink the shih tzus were in a sorry state when they were discovered. They love nothing more than playing together 

Tilly, 7, and Tink, 9, love nothing more than playing together in the open air.

But a few months ago, the shih tzus’ fur was matted, their nails so long they’d curled together and they were thoroughly miserable.

‘Their owner had gone into hospital and they were shy, grumpy and wary,’ says Stephanie Strong, of the Chilterns Dog Rescue Society, near Tring, Hertfordshire. ‘Wouldn’t you be if you couldn’t walk properly?

‘But a full clip and dental work and they’re very friendly, loving dogs. They love walking — we’re not sure they’ve ever been walked before.’ Tink (left) and Tilly must be rehomed together.

Call 01296 623885.

Cheeky Irish chappie who loves to flirt  

Barley the terrier is a real character with a mysterious history 

Barley the terrier is a real character with a mysterious history 

Barley, 13, should be spending his days with his paws up in front of the fire. ‘His background is a bit of a mystery,’ says Karla Haines, of Dogs Trust in Salisbury. ‘He came over from Ireland earlier this year. 

‘He’s very sweet and quite flirty with people. A typical terrier — a real character — quite cheeky, with bags of energy, he can live with other dogs and older children.’ Call 01980 629634.

Collie loves playing ball 

Despite her age, Brenny the 13-year-old border collie loves playing with a ball and training 

Despite her age, Brenny the 13-year-old border collie loves playing with a ball and training 

Brenny, 13, is a border collie and would need to be the only dog in a home.

Lauren Maddox of the RSPCA in South Godstone, Surrey, says: ‘She’s a lovely dog and very young at heart, not doddery at all. 

‘She’s got great recall, loves playing with a ball and training. She really needs a home — she doesn’t cope well with life in kennels.’

Millie is a must for Gogglebox

Mille is a bit of a couch potato and loves nothing more than cuddling up and watching TV 

Mille is a bit of a couch potato and loves nothing more than cuddling up and watching TV 

Millie, 9, is easily entertained — she loves watching TV. Susie Winship, fosterer for the Blue Cross in Suffolk, says: ‘She particularly likes animal videos, or anything with catchy music. 

‘There’s plenty of life in her and she enjoys chasing balls as much as snuggling up with you on the sofa.’ Call 0300 777 1480.

Lively Lurcher’s a proper man’s man 

Flash the lurcher is 10 but still needs a good 45-minuted walks every day (and lashings of belly rubs!)

Flash the lurcher is 10 but still needs a good 45-minuted walks every day (and lashings of belly rubs!)

Flash, 10, would like a place where there are plenty of head rubs, lashings of belly rubs and a good 45-minute walk every day. The lurcher ended up with The Oldies Club in June after his owner took a job abroad. 

‘He’s a soppy sock,’ says fosterer Tina Burleigh, from Lincolnshire. ‘He loves men, absolutely loves them, but as a woman you have to work to gain his trust. He’s affectionate and loves snuggles. He runs like a greyhound and likes playing with the football.’

Email oldies@oldies.org.uk.

lively lurcher’s A proper man’s man

She’s a real lady 

Petra the weimaraner is a real lady with plent of patience who can be left alone for hours without any problem

Petra the weimaraner is a real lady with plent of patience who can be left alone for hours without any problem

Petra, 9, is with Wood Green animal charity in Cambridgeshire. Rehomer Ellie Thomas says: ‘Petra’s a real lady — a weimaraner with manners. 

‘If you’re talking to someone, she won’t pester, she’ll just wait patiently. Her sit is perfect. She can be left alone for a few hours without any problems.’ Call 0300 303 9333.

Shaggy dog rejuvenated 

Pool old Biscuit the poodle would be happy in a quiet home with other dogs and possibly even a dog-savvy cat 

Pool old Biscuit the poodle would be happy in a quiet home with other dogs and possibly even a dog-savvy cat 

Biscuit, 14, was a ‘shaggy mess’ when she arrived, says Sara Rosser, of Hope Rescue in Llanharan, Wales.

‘Now you’d never know she’s 14, she’s really active. Once she’s been walked, she’s happy to curl up.’ The cute poodle would be happy in a quiet home with other dogs and possibly even a dog-savvy cat.

Call 01443 226659.

Saved from the mean streets 

Thaki was living rough on the streets of Romaniabefore she was thrown into a public dog shelter where she was to be euthanised 

Thaki was living rough on the streets of Romaniabefore she was thrown into a public dog shelter where she was to be euthanised 

Thaki, 10, was living on the tough streets of Romania, scrounging food to stay alive just a few months ago. 

Then she was thrown into a public dog shelter, where hounds are often abused as they await execution. 

She was saved by the Leash Of Life charity and is living in Wiltshire. Fosterer Ginny Chaplin says: ‘She’s so endearing. Dogs in Romania rarely receive any affection and she just loves it.’

Visit leashoflife.co.uk


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