One in four people rather check Facebook than have sex

  • Checking Facebook or Twitter when they wake up was more popular than sex
  • Women prefer a kiss and hug with loved one to get their day off on the right foot
  • However waking up to sunshine pouring through the windows was most popular

People would rather check social media than have sex in a morning order to cheer themselves up.

A poll of 2,000 Brits found checking Facebook or Twitter when they wake up was more popular than a morning sex session especially with men.

Women on the other hand prefer a kiss and hug with a loved one to get their day off on the right foot. 

However waking up to sunshine pouring through the windows was most popular with both sexes with one in three of those surveyed by preserve and peanut butter makers Duerr’s.


Women prefer a kiss and hug with a loved one to get their day off on the right foot

Screen time proved an important morning ritual, with 23 per cent finding happiness in catching up on the social media activities of friends and contacts, the most popular option with men.

However, in a nod to nature, waking up to sunshine pouring through the windows proved popular with one in three of those surveyed along with waking up to birdsong.

But one in 10 admitted they preferred turning off the alarm clock and going back to sleep for an extra 40 winks.

Taking the time to enjoy a favourite breakfast was also a popular way to start the day with a full English (17 per cent) or jam by on toast (13 per cent).

The feel good power of music was number four on the list with more than one in four (27 per cent) admitting that hearing their favourite song got them fired up to attack the day.

Finally getting active first thing is also good for the soul Walking the dog or the the kids to school and going to the gym and swimming all help Brits keep calm.

Richard Duerr says: ‘Everyone needs a little sunshine in their lives, now more than ever.

‘Feel good moments come in all shapes and sizes, as the research proves, but what unites them all is taking the time to enjoy the morning routine instead of rushing around – whether it’s walking the dog or a little morning delight with your partner! 

‘Start the day as you mean to go on’, he said.