Online gallery reveals people having a worse day than you

  • A hilarious new gallery captures people having a far worse day than you 
  • Many capture accident-prone netizens becoming victim of ambitious stunts
  • Others capture people’s extreme disappointment including one woman who believes she is being proposed to when her partner ties his lace  

We are all guilty of moaning, but these photos may just make you reconsider your whining.

A new online gallery has revealed the hilarious and very unfortunate mishaps of people who are certainly having a worse day than you.

In several cases people are the victims of extreme disappointment with one woman mistakenly believing her boyfriend was popping the question when in reality he is tying a shoe lace.

Accident-prone netizens also feature with several needing a trip to A&E after an ambitious stunt goes wrong.

Elsewhere people have seen their hard work come crashing down as one man sees his enormous bubblegum bubble burst and another’s makeshift TV stand comes crashing down.

So before you begin your belly-aching take a look at these snaps – they may put your life into perspective.  

A new online gallery has revealed hilarious photos of people having a far worse day than you 

With the romantic setting and her boyfriend kneeling this woman clearly thought she was about to get engaged - much to her disappointment 

With the romantic setting and her boyfriend kneeling this woman clearly thought she was about to get engaged – much to her disappointment 

This unlucky so and so not only knocked over the Jenga tower, but saw it come crashing down in her face 

This unlucky so and so not only knocked over the Jenga tower, but saw it come crashing down in her face 

It didn't take long for this man's makeshift TV stand to collapse, but he appeared to see the funny side 

It didn’t take long for this man’s makeshift TV stand to collapse, but he appeared to see the funny side 

After some truly terrible parking, these coach drivers got their own back on this motorist

After some truly terrible parking, these coach drivers got their own back on this motorist

It looks like this painter and decorator might be trapped on this roof for a while 

It looks like this painter and decorator might be trapped on this roof for a while 

Rather than assist their little angel, these parents took snaps of their daughter's misfortune 

Rather than assist their little angel, these parents took snaps of their daughter’s misfortune 

Little does he know, but this swimmer is about to be in for a world of pain 

Little does he know, but this swimmer is about to be in for a world of pain 

This man clearly regrets trying to help this young boy out of the boat, though the child seems to see the funny side

This man clearly regrets trying to help this young boy out of the boat, though the child seems to see the funny side

Attempting to Instagram her dinner only ended in a rather messy disaster for this woman 

Attempting to Instagram her dinner only ended in a rather messy disaster for this woman 

This perfectly timed photo captures the moment a goat leaps to headbutt a woman 

This perfectly timed photo captures the moment a goat leaps to headbutt a woman 

This cat is perhaps not as agile as it would like to think, ending up rather soggy after its bathroom stunt 

This cat is perhaps not as agile as it would like to think, ending up rather soggy after its bathroom stunt 

Sliding down the hill proved not to be quite as fun as this daredevil had initially hoped

Sliding down the hill proved not to be quite as fun as this daredevil had initially hoped

Curiosity got the better of this cat who found its head wedged in a garden fence 

Curiosity got the better of this cat who found its head wedged in a garden fence 

A glass table proved to be a bad choice for this accident prone family as this photo demonstrates

A glass table proved to be a bad choice for this accident prone family as this photo demonstrates

Not only did this person lose their breakfast, but they happened to spill it all over some rather expensive looking equipment 

Not only did this person lose their breakfast, but they happened to spill it all over some rather expensive looking equipment 

This man managed to produce a rather impressive bubblegum bubble, but immediately regretted it once it burst 

This man managed to produce a rather impressive bubblegum bubble, but immediately regretted it once it burst 

One boy took a tumble when he got his stick caught in the spokes of his bicycle 

One boy took a tumble when he got his stick caught in the spokes of his bicycle