Only three per cent Australians think climate change fake 

Only three per cent of Australians believe there is not such thing as climate change, a new survey has shown.

The annual Ipsos Climate Change Report revealed a majority believe humans are solely or partly responsible for climate change.

Only 18 percent said they think the Turnbull Government is doing a good job responding to the issue, despite new policies such as the Snowy Hyrdo expansion.

Only three per cent of Australians believe there is not such thing as climate change, a new survey has shown (pictured is coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef)

The annual Ipsos Climate Change Report revealed a majority believe humans are solely or partly responsible for climate change (pictured is a bushfire near Sydney)

The annual Ipsos Climate Change Report revealed a majority believe humans are solely or partly responsible for climate change (pictured is a bushfire near Sydney)

Liberal voters were most complimentary – 31 per cent gave a ‘good’ rating while only 16 percent of Labor voters and 10 per cent of Greens voters did the same.

The poll also showed the top five processes Australians believe are already impacted by climate change.

Of those who responded, 47 percent believe climate change is creating more frequent and/or extreme storm events and destruction of the Great Barrier Reef. 

More frequent and/or extreme droughts was named by 46 percent, while 45 per cent said climate change is causing more frequent and/or extreme floods.

Only 18 percent said they think the Turnbull Government is doing a good job responding to the issue, despite new policies such as the Snowy Hyrdo expansion (pictured is Mr Turnbull during a tour of the Snowy Hydro Tumut 2 power station)

Only 18 percent said they think the Turnbull Government is doing a good job responding to the issue, despite new policies such as the Snowy Hyrdo expansion (pictured is Mr Turnbull during a tour of the Snowy Hydro Tumut 2 power station)

Of those who responded, 47 percent believe climate change is creating more frequent and/or extreme storm events and destruction of the Great Barrier Reef (pictured is a storm over Sydney)

Of those who responded, 47 percent believe climate change is creating more frequent and/or extreme storm events and destruction of the Great Barrier Reef (pictured is a storm over Sydney)

A slightly lower number – 44 per cent –  believe it is a factor in more frequent and/or extreme bushfires.

When asked who should be responsible for action on climate change, 41 percent said it fell under the duties of the Federal Government.

One in five people said the international community is responsible, and 7 per cent selected individuals and their families.

What best describes your opinion about the causes of climate change? 

Human activity is solely responsible for the effects of climate change – 42%

Believe both humans and natural causes have a part to play – 38%

Caused entirely or mostly by natural process and not by humans – 12%

Believe that there is no such thing as climate change – 3%

Source: Ipsos Climate Change Report 2017 

More than half of Australians said climate change is a serious threat to our way of life over the next 25 years, and 64 per cent agree over the next 100 years.

A Federal Government target on renewables-sources energy is supported by 69 per cent, while 53 per cent support state and territory-set targets.

Just over one in four Australians agree with allowing the market to determine the level of uptake of renewable energy, while 48 per cent are opposed. 

More than half of Australians said climate change is a serious threat to our way of life over the next 25 years, and 64 per cent agree over the next 100 years (pictured is the aftermath of a storm which hit Sydney)

More than half of Australians said climate change is a serious threat to our way of life over the next 25 years, and 64 per cent agree over the next 100 years (pictured is the aftermath of a storm which hit Sydney)