Outback safari ‘company’ launches creepy marketing advert

An outback safari ‘business’ has launched a peculiar marketing campaign which has left some of its potential customers scratching their heads.

Dubbed as an ‘adventure to die for’, the disturbing outback travel company makes references to death, abduction and disappearing backpackers in its spine-chilling advertisements.

After Outback Safari Tours was launched earlier this year, a makeshift website popped up alongside some dubious reviews and a strange 1300 number with a creepy voicemail.

Dubbed as an ‘adventure to die for’, the disturbing outback travel company makes references to death, abduction and disappearing backpackers in its spine-chilling advertisements

After Outback Safari Tours was launched earlier this year, a makeshift website popped up alongside some dubious reviews and a strange 1300 number with a creepy voicemail

After Outback Safari Tours was launched earlier this year, a makeshift website popped up alongside some dubious reviews and a strange 1300 number with a creepy voicemail

Even the most daring thrill-seeker might be deterred by the Facebook reviews which detail a missing guide and ‘wolf creek crater’ and friends who never returned from their adventure.

But it is all one clever marketing hoax for the latest season of Stan’s Wolf Creek.

The website reviews read like a horror movie – one man, Hayden Snell, wrote a tongue-in-cheek appraisal of the Australian tour company.

‘Tour was great until wolf creek crater, the truck broke down and the guide disappeared, lost half the tour group looking for him so ended up walking to a local station for a lift. Maintain your trucks outback safaris!’ he wrote.

Even the most daring thrill-seeker might be deterred by the Facebook reviews which detail a missing guide and 'wolf creek crater' and friends who never returned from their adventure

Even the most daring thrill-seeker might be deterred by the Facebook reviews which detail a missing guide and ‘wolf creek crater’ and friends who never returned from their adventure

But it is all one clever marketing hoax for the latest season of Stan's Wolf Creek

But it is all one clever marketing hoax for the latest season of Stan’s Wolf Creek

The marketing hoax was designed to promote the newest season of Wolf Creek (pictured)

The marketing hoax was designed to promote the newest season of Wolf Creek (pictured)

‘Tour was the best. Honestly, my last visit was great. Went with a bunch of my friends and I guess they loved it there so much since they didn’t come home. Got my next tour booked for December! Keeeeeen,’ another man said. 

A prank video was also uploaded to the Facebook page using actors from the Wolf Creek series.

‘We take you to places people never see… with no one else for miles and miles and miles!’ Tour guide Ian ‘Davo’ Davidson said on the video. 

‘You never know what is around the corner… you’ll never wanna leave!’

And a call to the company’s fake phone number will lead you to an unnerving voicemail by the main character and murderer, Mick Taylor, voiced by actor John Jarratt. 

The website reviews read like a horror movie - one man, Hayden Snell, wrote a tongue-in-cheek appraisal of the Australian tour company (pictured)

The website reviews read like a horror movie – one man, Hayden Snell, wrote a tongue-in-cheek appraisal of the Australian tour company (pictured)

Some gullible tourists even messaged the website with enquiries for the safari tour (pictured)

Some gullible tourists even messaged the website with enquiries for the safari tour (pictured)

Using the actual safari tour bus from season two of the outback murder series, the fictitious company even hoodwinked several tourists looking to book a spot on the bus

Using the actual safari tour bus from season two of the outback murder series, the fictitious company even hoodwinked several tourists looking to book a spot on the bus

And a call to the company's fake phone number will lead you to an unnerving voicemail by the main character and murderer, Mick Taylor, voiced by actor John Jarratt

And a call to the company’s fake phone number will lead you to an unnerving voicemail by the main character and murderer, Mick Taylor, voiced by actor John Jarratt

Using the actual safari tour bus from season two of the outback murder series, the fictitious company even hoodwinked several tourists looking to book a spot on the bus.

Screenshots obtained by Daily Mail Australia show gullible travellers trying to buy tickets for an outback safari reveal the hilarious truth.

The fake company responded to requests with: ‘Thanks for your enquiry. Unfortunately we had an incident with our most recent tour group and our bus is out of commission for the time being.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk