Outrage as new $5,000 fine is introduced for Australians with smelly rubbish bins

Outrage as new $5,000 fine is introduced for Australians with smelly rubbish bins

  • Victoria Park council in Perth to fine people $5000 for bad smelling green bins
  • The council introduced the law for the green garden organic bin
  • Mayor Karen Vernon quashed the idea there would be ‘bin sniffers’ 

A Perth council has introduced a $5,000 fine for residents if they let their rubbish bins get too smelly.

In the Perth suburb of Victoria Park, locals could be hit with a $5,000 fine if their green garden organic bin attracts a bad odour. 

Speaking on 6PR radio, Victoria Park Mayor Karen Vernon, said the new rule ensures people sort their rubbish correctly. 

The mayor did however put an end to the rumour the council would employ ‘bin smellers’ to catch out individuals.

In the suburb of Victoria Park, in the east of Perth, locals can be hit with a monstrous $5000 fine if their green garden organic bin attracts a bad odour

‘What is really important is that the contents of that third bin is just organic material, so it can be processed into compost,’ Ms Vernon said. 

‘We need some powers at a local council to make that behaviour change appropriately. 

‘If somebody is putting all the wrong things in that third bin at some point in time those people will find there are consequences for not doing the right thing but it certainly isn’t as dramatic as bin smellers roaming the street.’

Outraged locals took to social media touting the move as  ‘rubbish’.

‘Fining someone because their rubbish bin smells, should be a council service to disinfect bins when emptied. We pay astronomical rates let’s see them justified,’ one user commented.

‘It’s a blimmin rubbish bin. It’s not going to smell like roses,’ another said. 

‘Omg who seriously has clean smelling rubbish after a week in an outside bin? Maybe they can provide deodorant for our bins or perfume!’ a third wrote.

Victoria Park Mayor Karen Vernon, said the law ensures people sort their rubbish correctly

Victoria Park Mayor Karen Vernon, said the law ensures people sort their rubbish correctly

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk