The ‘no’ campaign is making a last-ditch attempt to sway voters in the last week of the gay marriage postal survey.
A letter arrived in the mailboxes warning that legalising gay marriage would lead to ‘radical’ LGBTIQ sex education programs becoming compulsory in schools.
The letter from the Coalition For Marriage was signed by three mothers who fronted the ‘no’ campaign’s first TV ad back in August, making similar claims.
A letter from the Coalition For Marriage claims legalising gay marriage will lead to ‘radical LGBTIQ sex and gender education’ in Australian schools and urged residents to vote no
Alongside Heidi McIvor, Dr Pansy Lai and Cella White was the signature of Melbourne mother Marijke Rancie, who appeared in a subsequent ad.
‘As mums we’ve come to learn the importance of voting No to changing the marriage law,’ the letter in an envelope marked ‘Urgent: 27 October deadline’ began.
‘A Yes vote will mean radical LGBTIQ sex and gender education programs will become compulsory in our kids’ classrooms. It’s how the law works.
‘It’s already happened in countries like Canada and it will happen here in Australia.’
The letter then implored residents to send their ballots in right away as ‘every vote counts’ and they wouldn’t get another chance to ‘push back’.
The letter was signed by three mothers who fronted the ‘no’ campaign’s first TV ad back in August, making similar claims
Heidi McIvor, a pastor at a Victorian church, shared a story of children as young as 12 being asked to role play being in a same-sex relationship
‘If you think parents deserve the right to have a say about what their kids are taught the schools then you must vote and you must vote No,’ it continued.
‘Together, we can stop this radical gay lobbyist agenda.’
Those sent the letter reacted with outrage at being spammed with ‘propaganda’ when the vote was almost over anyway.
‘I don’t think you should be a parent if you cannot accept what your child prefers and chooses to do with their own free will,’ one wrote on social media.
‘How ridiculous! the gay lobby hasn’t had anything to do with promoting SSM or safe schools,’ another wrote.
‘They use the word “radical” like gays are going to run down the street blowing themselves up with a shower of pink confetti falling in the aftermath,’ a third wrote.
Dr Pansy Lai, a pediatrician and outspoken critic of the Safe Schools program, in particular made a very similar argument in her speech in the ad
Cella White said she pulled her children out of Frankston High School after claiming her son was told he could wear a dress to school next year
‘Let’s just hope that their own children don’t have to suffer from their own mindless fears,’ another wrote.
Others made comparisons to the outrage over the ‘yes’ campaign sending text messages to voters urging them to cast their ballots in favour.
‘So everybody loses their minds over a text message from the yes campaign reminding them to vote but we’re just chill about the no campaign aggressively spreading propaganda addressed to your home address by name,’ one wrote.
Ms McIvor, Dr Lai and Ms White shot to fame in the controversial first Coalition For Marriage ad, which made the same appeal to voters as mothers.
Those sent the letter reacted with outrage at being spammed with ‘propaganda’ when the vote was almost over anyway
Dr Lai, a pediatrician and outspoken critic of the Safe Schools program, in particular made a very similar argument in her speech in the ad.
‘When same-sex marriage passes as law overseas, these types of programs become widespread and compulsory,’ she said to the camera.
A petition was launched after the ad to get Dr Lai stripped of her medical licence on the grounds that she was hurting her young LQBTQI patients with her views.
Ms McIvor, a pastor at a Victorian church, shared a story of children as young as 12 being asked to role play being in a same-sex relationship.
‘Kids in Year 7 are being asked to role play being in a same-sex relationship,’ she said, with an aghast look on her face.
Ms Rancie claimed her 13-year-old son had to make a vagina out of plasticine and listen to a teacher’s masturbation class
Ms Rancie appeared alongside Ms White (right) and Ms McIvor (left) in a second ad where she and two of the other mothers gave speeches to a cheering crowd of ‘no’ voters
Cella White said she pulled her children out of Frankston High School after claiming her son was told he could wear a dress to school next year.
She earlier made the claim on Q&A, but it has since been strongly rejected by the school principal.
Ms Rancie appeared in a second ad where she and two of the other mothers gave speeches to a cheering crowd of ‘no’ voters.
‘We hear love is love. Let me tell you what I know about love. There is no greater love than the love a mother has for her child,’ she said.
Ms Rancie earlier told Mark Latham’s Outsiders her 13-year-old son had to make a vagina out of plasticine and listen to a teacher’s masturbation class.
‘It was very clear it was made as a sexual organ. So he had to sculpt it, as he knew it, and then he was redirected to make a clitoris and the labia,’ she claimed.
‘Really? Thirteen years old and he said to me, ‘Mum, it was really creepy’.’
The Victorian Education Department vigourously denied the activity ever took place.