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Mexican Routes

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Texas soldier shares album of dogs, cats and pig he saved

A Texas National Guardsman has become an online sensation for saving 70 pets from the floods left by Hurricane Harvey  Josiah Meharg has warmed the hearts of m... read more

Mentally ill man chained for 17 years freed in China

A mentally ill man who had been chained up for 17 years has finally been freed and is now receiving treatment in southern China’s Guangdong province.   ... read more

Spa owner accused of sexual assault was ‘having a laugh’

Kerry Brocklebank (pictured) is accused of sexually assaulting a man at her health spa A health spa owner accused of sexually assaulting a man during an unwante... read more

Indian man smothered his wife and ‘cut her into 70 pieces’

An Indian man has been convicted of murdering his wife and dismembering her body before keeping the pieces in a freezer – seven years after committing the... read more

Woman filmed friend’s rape and posted it on Snapchat

Beth Rae Harris, 36 (pictured), of Chicago, Illinois, was charged after allegedly filming and posting her 23-year-old friend’s rape to Snapchat A Chicago ... read more

Trump’s energy appointee quits after social media posts

William C. Bradford stood down as head of the  Energy Department’s Office of Indian Energy It came after CNN revealed a series of posts on his Disqus acc... read more

New England Aquarium welcomes rare yellow lobster

A rare yellow lobster has joined the New England Aquarium  It was donated to the aquarium by a Salem seafood company  It joins other brightly-colored lobsters... read more

Diplomat probing MH370 is shot dead in Madagascar

CONFIRMED  FLAPERON What was found? A large 2.7 metre piece of the plane’s flaperon – the trailing edge of the wing used to increase drag during ta... read more

Wayne Rooney charged with drink driving in Cheshire

Former England captain Wayne Rooney was today charged with drink driving after being pulled over by police while behind the wheel of a Volkswagen Beetle. The 3... read more

Trump greets tourists at the White House and kisses a baby

President Trump surprised visitors at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Thursday When he walked into the room flanked by Secret Service members he made a beeline to p... read more

Video captures Bath amputee toddler taking first steps

This heartwarming video captures a mother’s ecstatic reaction as her quadruple-amputee daughter takes her first steps on prosthetic legs. Harmonie-Rose Al... read more

Travellers can sleep for $30 a night at Mexico airport

An unusual ‘hotel’ has opened up for tired travellers at an airport in Mexico City – with bosses offering new capsules for people to sleep in.... read more

Female deputy DA beaten after gang attack in California

A female district attorney from San Bernardino, California, was found bloody and beaten after going for a jog on Thursday morning. Authorities say the employee ... read more

McCain clobbers Trump in op-ed as ‘poorly informed’

Sen. John McCain put out a long-form installment of his running back-and-forth with President Donald Trump, writing an op-ed that branded the president as ̵... read more

Trump will cut pay raises for federal employees in 2018

The president told Congress on Thursday that he plans to slash federal workers’ pay raises to save money in 2018. In a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan a... read more

Doctors warn regulations needed after botched boob job

Doctors have warned patients will remain at risk in unregulated Australian beauty clinics should appropriate rules not be put in place for sedation. Professor D... read more

Kenyan village leader tells horrors that made her ban men

A Kenyan woman who nearly died from horrific complications while being forced to undergo a female genital mutilation at the age of 12 has detailed the moment sh... read more

US-backed fighters liberate Raqqa’s Old City

Syrian Democratic Forces spokesman Talal Sello said troops had seized Old City ‘We are on the edges of ISIS’s security quarter in the city centre,&#... read more

FEMAIL speaks to cookbook author Vicky Bhogal

‘I care about seeing so much food go to waste, but also people feeling stuck with knowing what to do with ingredients in their kitchen.  ‘I feel ve... read more

Labor Senator Katy Gallagher ‘no doubt’ Ecuadorean citizen

Ecauador’s former president claims Katy Gallagher is ‘no doubt’ Ecuadorian  Hernan Perez Loose said her mother was born in Ecuador, making he... read more

Thousands attend Birdsville racing carnival in Queensland

Thousands of people have flocked to a remote town far west Queensland to celebrate the first day of the annual outback festival. The Birdsville Races, located o... read more

Houston chemical plant monitored after explosion and fire

At least two tons of highly unstable chemicals used in the production of plastics and paint blew up and burned at a flooded plant near Houston, sending up a plu... read more

NFL players’ union sues over Elliott’s 6-game domestic ban

The NFL players’ union came to the defense of embattled Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott by suing the league in an attempt to vacate his upcomi... read more

MA woman jailed in text suicide case plans to appeal

Here are a series of texts between Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy that were shown to the court. They appear here chronologically: June 19, 2014: Carter: ‘... read more