Painful mugshots of bruised and battered felons

  • Collection of mugshots show bruised and battered felons soon after their arrests
  • Many sported black eyes, bloodied faces and varying neck and head injuries
  • A few even managed a smile for the police snapping their mugshots

Posing for photos when you are bruised and battered isn’t usually a high priority – expect of course when you are a lawbreaker.

These felons now each have their very own mugshots to relive the seemingly painful memories of their arrests.

Black eyes, bloodied faces and varying degrees of neck and head injuries were plaguing this group of felons when they had to pose for police following their brush with the law.

A few even managed a smile despite the neck braces and head bandages constricting their faces.

But even though it isn’t clear whether their injuries were suffered during or before their arrest, one thing is certain: The majority do not look thrilled to be in front of the camera.

Black eyes, bloodied faces and varying degrees of neck and head injuries were plaguing this group of felons when they had to pose for police following their brush with the law