Palestine activists chant ‘Iran you make us proud’ on NYC subway


A group of Palestine activists took over a NYC subway car and chanted ‘ Iran you make us proud’ while bewildered passengers sat in awe. Shocking video footage caught the protestors in action as the main activist led the group in chants while on board the public transport. ‘Iran, you make us proud,’ they yelled. ‘Yemen you make us proud. Rafah you make us proud. West Bank you make us proud,’ they continued to chant.

All the while, visibly uncomfortable passengers - including the Jewish person that captured the video - watched silently. The anonymous witness said, 'Yesterday I took the subway and found myself completely surrounded on all sides and everywhere in the train car by these young Americans who were so filled with rage. 'All I was able to do was document what I saw and this is just a sliver I didn't even get the worst parts,' the Jewish passenger said. 'This went on for at least 15 minutes - maybe even 20 minutes.'

All the while, visibly uncomfortable passengers – including the Jewish person that captured the video – watched silently. The anonymous witness said, ‘Yesterday I took the subway and found myself completely surrounded on all sides and everywhere in the train car by these young Americans who were so filled with rage. ‘All I was able to do was document what I saw and this is just a sliver I didn’t even get the worst parts,’ the Jewish passenger said. ‘This went on for at least 15 minutes – maybe even 20 minutes.’

The anti-Israel protestors also clutched signs reading 'Land you have to kill for is not yours - Free Gaza' and some wore keffiyeh scarves. has reached out to Eric Adams for comment on the incident. The recent incident comes as another Anti-Israel protestor and New York Times contributor was caught vandalizing a subway station in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with graffiti.

The anti-Israel protestors also clutched signs reading ‘Land you have to kill for is not yours – Free Gaza’ and some wore keffiyeh scarves. has reached out to Eric Adams for comment on the incident. The recent incident comes as another Anti-Israel protestor and New York Times contributor was caught vandalizing a subway station in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with graffiti.

Kyle Turner, 30, complained on X that he spent the night in jail after writing 'ceasefire/free Palestine' in the station at 2am. Turner said he did not resist arrest and said that a 'Lesbian presenting cop had trouble cuffing me and tried to throw me around,' before calling the situation 'so stupid.'

Kyle Turner, 30, complained on X that he spent the night in jail after writing ‘ceasefire/free Palestine’ in the station at 2am. Turner said he did not resist arrest and said that a ‘Lesbian presenting cop had trouble cuffing me and tried to throw me around,’ before calling the situation ‘so stupid.’

'I sincerely didn't know graffiti in the subway (which I see all the time) was an arrestable offense,' he claimed. 'But I also can't believe our tax dollars go to cops focusing on minor infractions.' Turner is an author and has written for The Times, including an article titled: 'Pride in Queer Cinema of the Past Might Show Us Our Future.'

‘I sincerely didn’t know graffiti in the subway (which I see all the time) was an arrestable offense,’ he claimed. ‘But I also can’t believe our tax dollars go to cops focusing on minor infractions.’ Turner is an author and has written for The Times, including an article titled: ‘Pride in Queer Cinema of the Past Might Show Us Our Future.’

Further unrest in New York unraveled on Monday, during the pro-Palestinian worldwide protest. Footage released by journalists, activists and pro-Palestinian organizations showed the American flag of a counter-protestor being set on fire. Nearby police officers had to jump into action and put out the blaze, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Further unrest in New York unraveled on Monday, during the pro-Palestinian worldwide protest. Footage released by journalists, activists and pro-Palestinian organizations showed the American flag of a counter-protestor being set on fire. Nearby police officers had to jump into action and put out the blaze, according to the Jerusalem Post.

As the flag was set on fire, calls of 'Death to America' were chanted by Palestinian activists. Anti-Israel protestors were seen with terrorist organization paraphernalia in videos from the gathering, including a woman with a Hezbollah flag.

As the flag was set on fire, calls of ‘Death to America’ were chanted by Palestinian activists. Anti-Israel protestors were seen with terrorist organization paraphernalia in videos from the gathering, including a woman with a Hezbollah flag.

One man wore a green Hamas bandana and others wore keffiyehs, according to a Freedom News journalist. The protestors marched on the New York Stock Exchange, Broadway, Barclay's Center, Borough Hall and through City Point Mall, the Jerusalem Post reported.

One man wore a green Hamas bandana and others wore keffiyehs, according to a Freedom News journalist. The protestors marched on the New York Stock Exchange, Broadway, Barclay’s Center, Borough Hall and through City Point Mall, the Jerusalem Post reported.

'Yet another organized, coordinated attempt to shut down critical infrastructure,' New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry wrote on X following the protests.

‘Yet another organized, coordinated attempt to shut down critical infrastructure,’ New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry wrote on X following the protests.

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