Palestinian protesters demand equal rights on London march

Thousands of pro-Palestinians demonstrators took to the streets of London today to protest against the 100 year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration which lead to the creation of Israel.

Activists carrying signs which read ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Justice for Palestine’ were seen, while chants of ‘Free, Free Palestine’ and ‘Occupation no more’. 

It comes as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Britain to celebrate the centenary of the then-foreign secretary Arthur Balfour’s promise that the UK would support calls for a Jewish homeland.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of London carrying placards which read ‘Free Palestine’, ‘#StopArming Israel’ and ‘Justice now! Make it right for Palestine’ 

Protesters marched through the streets of West London carrying banners (left) while other poked fun at Donald Trump and Theresa May at the march (right)

TV reports claimed that some members of the crowd called for the destruction of Israel, chanting ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’.

Some broadcasters estimated there were around 3,000 protesters took to the streets around Westminster. Counter-protesters also arrived at the scene, brandishing Israeli flags nearby.

Theresa May said that Britain was ‘proud’ of the role it played in helping to create Israel during a meeting with Netanyahu, but warned that Isreali settlements were a ‘barrier’ to peace.

One man was pictured praying as others around him walk on at the march through central and west London

A man bows as he prays in central London at the march

One man was pictured praying as others around him walk on at the march through central and west London

Mrs May said: ‘The United Kingdom is proud of the role that we played in the establishment of the State of Israel and we’re approaching this commemoration with respect and honor,’ she said.

‘I obviously, as we commemorate the Balfour Declaration, recognize the sensitivities that this raises. We, obviously, want to see a resolution of the issue for the Israelis and Palestinians. And we remain committed to a two-state solution.’

Netanyahu said on Friday that Palestinians must come to terms with the creation of the Israeli state.

Jeremy Corbyn said Britain should mark the Balfour Centenary by unilaterally recognising Palestine. 

The 'Make It Right For Palestine' march attracted visitors both young and old. These young girls wave a Palestinian flag at the protest

The ‘Make It Right For Palestine’ march attracted visitors both young and old. These young girls wave a Palestinian flag at the protest

The march arrived in Parliament Square on Saturday. Speakers addressed the crowd at Grosvenor Square, near the US Embassy, before the march through central London via Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square

The march arrived in Parliament Square on Saturday. Speakers addressed the crowd at Grosvenor Square, near the US Embassy, before the march through central London via Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square

A placard with the words '#StopArmingIsrael' above a picture of the Houses of Parliament is held outside the US Embassy

Hundreds of protesters marched through central London to Parliament Square to campaign for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people on the centenary of the Balfour Declaration issued by the British government during World War I

A placard with the words ‘#StopArmingIsrael’ above a picture of the Houses of Parliament is held outside the US Embassy and another woman holds two banners reading ‘Freedom for Palestine’ and ‘Balfour, UK liable, free Palestine’

Protesters allegedly called for the dismantling of the Israeli state at the march according to broadcast reports, with some shouting 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'

Protesters allegedly called for the dismantling of the Israeli state at the march according to broadcast reports, with some shouting ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

Other people at the protest called for FIFA to expel Isreael from the football body. Oters demanded an apology and compensation on the placards they held up

Other people at the protest called for FIFA to expel Isreael from the football body. Oters demanded an apology and compensation on the placards they held up

Theresa May said that Israeli settlement were providing a 'barrier' to peace in region as she met with the Israeli prime minister

Theresa May said that Israeli settlement were providing a ‘barrier’ to peace in region as she met with the Israeli prime minister

Counter-protesters also turned up at the rally, as this pro-Israeli woman holds a flag up to the camera as the march progressed from Oxford Street

Counter-protesters also turned up at the rally, as this pro-Israeli woman holds a flag up to the camera as the march progressed from Oxford Street